- The farmers in northern Sweden are extremely hard pressed and now it is important to try to save as much as we can, says Jenny Karlsson, chairman of LRF Norrbotten in a comment.

Galloping costs

The package is the second to be presented this year.

The first, which was about a billion, came ten days before Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

LRF Norrbotten describes how the costs have since continued to rush to feed, manure, diesel and electricity.

What at the turn of the year was increased costs for Swedish agriculture of just over five billion on an annual basis has now increased to over nine billion.

- Northern Sweden, with long distances and a dominant animal production, has been hit extra hard.

The sharply rising grain prices lead to many being forced to cut back on operations and hesitate to continue with animal husbandry, says Jenny Karlsson in a press release.

Appreciates the focus of the support

LRF Norrbotten thinks that it is good that most of the support is directed to the animal sector, as well as that the refund of the diesel tax is proposed to be available retroactively from 1 January and that the "Norrland support" is increased by SEK 50 million.

- It is important now that the money comes to the farmers in a hurry.

It is necessary for us to be able to maintain regional food production and food security, says Jenny Karlsson.