
  The TV series "The World", adapted from the Mao Dun Literature Award-winning work, has hit a new high in CCTV's 8-year ratings since it was broadcast on CCTV at the end of January 2022.

The popularity of the play made the original work of "The World" also attract much attention, triggering a national upsurge of audiences chasing the play and reading books at the same time.

From "the world is miserable" to "the world is worthwhile", why does "The World" move the Chinese?

China News Agency "East and West Questions" recently had an exclusive interview with Liang Xiaosheng, the author of "The World".

  [Q1] As an author, did you ever think that "The World" would attract so much attention and popularity?

  [Concurrent] Liang Xiaosheng, author of "The World"

  I didn't think about it, I didn't even think that it would be made into a TV series one day.

One thing that really did not expect is that there are many young audiences who become part of our chasing dramas.

When I was invited to watch the rough-cut TV series, I held a less optimistic attitude in my heart. For a long time, the content of this sample picture not only rarely appeared on the screen of this TV series, but even appeared on the theater. Also very few.

I am very pleased to have today's broadcast in good condition.

  【Q2】Who is your favorite character in "The World"?


  [Concurrent] Liang Xiaosheng, author of "The World"

  In the process of my creation, I actually like everyone I write.

If I had to choose the one I liked, in fact, my favorite is the three brothers and sisters of the Zhou family. Bingkun has the characteristics of me from the childhood to the young youth, and even when I first became an educated youth in the Great Northern Wilderness. The first needs friendship, and the second Friendships are valued once they are formed.

There is something I like about Bingyi. He is a new intellectual in the 1980s with more literary influence and humanistic qualities, and he will be more considerate of the overall situation when considering issues.

Even when Zhou Rong was in the cave, what she discussed with her father was still what China would do.

Such intellectuals have not only a family, but also a country in their hearts.

  [Q3] "The World" makes people feel "the world is miserable", and it also makes people feel that "the world is worthwhile".

How do you see the relationship between suffering and life?

  [Concurrent] Liang Xiaosheng, author of "The World"

  When I use the word suffering, I must be very careful when I pick up the pen, because what does suffering mean?

It doesn't just mean poverty, it must be a direct and aggressive threat to survival.

There are indeed two families who have experienced hardships in this work. The first is Hao Dongmei's family, Comrade Ma Shouchang, and his wife, Mrs. Qu, who also experienced certain hardships.

I often think this way, which nation or country has not experienced suffering. If we cut the history of mankind from now to the next 300 years, it will be accompanied by suffering, war and disaster.

With the development of human society, some situations like this will be reduced in a large area. Therefore, it is more in line with the vision of any nation and country that they yearn for a better life in the future.

And every country is working hard to achieve this, which is also one of our original intentions when we wrote this book and the director wanted to arrange such a book into a TV series.

It is to form a comparison. If there is no comparison at all, we may be indifferent to the development and changes of today's China, and we will not feel it.

  [Q4] "The World" depicts the protagonist's overseas study life more than once. How do you view the fusion of Chinese and Western cultures?

  [Concurrent] Liang Xiaosheng, author of "The World"

  Since the period of Greek mythology, including its religious stories, it is said that they are all studying people's psychology to face reality and why they think that way.

However, in our pen for a long period of time, it is actually a character of virtue.

We don't need to use words like optimism or pessimism to describe (cultural blending), blending should be natural.

When we say that we are culturally confident, it does not mean that I am only confident when all other countries praise us.

If you care about what others think of us and what others want us to think every day, and you care a lot about what others think of you, it will be difficult for this person to live, but we have to care.

(I think) it's about striking this balance between not caring and caring, and that's true of culture.

  Reporter Li Xiang Wang Shibo Liu Chao reports from Beijing

Responsible editor: [Li Ji]