▲ Marine Le Pen National Coalition Candidate

The Times and Sky News reported that France's President Emmanuel Macron is breathing a sigh of relief after defeating the far-right National Coalition candidate Marine Le Pen in the runoff of the French presidential election held on the 24th and succeeding in re-election.

The Times said that the European Union (EU), NATO, and the French establishment would be relieved by the election results, and that if Le Pen won the election, the solidarity of the West against President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine and He pointed out that a concerted effort would have been disastrous.

Although radical promises such as leaving the EU were withdrawn during the election process, Le Pen's immigration policy, France's national interest first, and the retreat of President Macron's reforms could be embarrassing to EU and US leaders.

French diplomats, business leaders and public officials also had a hard time adapting to Le Pen's nationalist tendencies, populism and isolationist policies.

Sky News reported that if Le Pen had been elected, it would have caused a seismic change in the world situation, and that the whole of Europe would welcome Macron's victory with a sigh of relief.

Macron's victory means France and Germany will continue to be the backbone of Europe, and the French president will continue to play a diplomatic role in Europe, SkyNews said.

Candidate Le Pen, who has shown pro-Russian behavior, such as condoning Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014, criticized Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but was opposed by many European leaders who emphasized a decisive response by saying that Europe should normalize relations with Russia after the war is over. bought

Reflecting this trend, European leaders all expressed their congratulations when polling agencies estimate that Macron's re-election success is certain.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen wrote on Twitter: "We are very pleased to be able to continue our outstanding cooperation" and "Together we will move France and Europe forward".

"In these turbulent times, we need a strong Europe and a France wholly committed to a more sovereign and more strategic EU," said Charles Michel, President of the European Commission, on Twitter.

"France is one of our closest and most important allies," British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in a statement.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said: "The French voters today showed a strong commitment to Europe. We are delighted to continue our good partnership."

(Photo = Getty Images Korea)