Per Wahlberg has been a central figure in county council and regional policy over the past decade.

In 2010, he helped push the Social Democrats out of power in the county council.

At that time, S had ruled for over 84 years.

Until 2014, Per Wahlberg was county councilor and chairman of the county council board, and between 2014 and 2018 he led the opposition.

But now he no longer wants to join.

- That in that situation Region Västernorrland finds itself indulging in political play instead of actively trying to find solutions is not a strategy I can support, he writes in a press release. 

Critical of the moderates' "rescue package"

He is deeply critical of the proposal that the moderates together with the Healthcare Party, the Christian Democrats and the Sweden Democrats presented today.

A "rescue package for healthcare", as the parties called their proposal, where they intend to shoot for 250 million to solve the difficult staffing crisis. 

"Is a matter of honor"

It is the moderates who have pushed the negotiations despite having entered into a coalition with S and L since the last election.

This upsets Wahlberg.

- For me, it is an honor to honor concluded agreements and agreements, he writes further.

Leaving the party

After 25 years as a member of the moderates, Per Wahlberg is from today without a party.