Which is or are the reason / reasons why the current departures are canceled?

"The simple answer is that there are too few bookings for these departures for it to be possible to make them" ... "If there had been a way to make the trips, we would have done it, but it is with a heavy mind we have made the decision to cancel certain departures. "

"Broken in the clarity"

They say they have been offered to rebook their trip later at the regular price, or to receive vouchers - not to get their money back.


"Unfortunately, the information sent out to the affected travelers has not been clear on that point and then this misunderstanding has arisen.

We have to take on that and we have inventoried the information that is sent out "..." So we have broken the clarity and we apologize for that. "

Why are customers not offered another alternative to the reduced price they paid, ie according to the price agreed with you?

“Since priority 1 has been to offer a replacement trip, other alternatives of a different type have been offered which have meant a higher price for the trip.

It has become unclear in the communication and it looked as if the trip was made more expensive by the offer, instead of a trip of a different type being offered. ”

Responds to criticism about cap prices

A customer thinks that you are "bluffing with cover prices", selling cheap trips that are canceled at short notice to be replaced with another offer that is several times more expensive.

What do you say about it?

"'Lid prices' are not a scam, we have significantly more travelers who have already traveled on reduced price trips than those who have unfortunately been affected by canceled trips" ... "To go through the process with the aim of canceling trips and trying to get rebookings to another trip with a higher price would simply not be logical or profitable. "

Welcome review

The Swedish Consumer Agency has opened a supervisory case against Detur regarding lack of communication to customers in cases where travel has been canceled.

What is your comment on that?

"On the one hand, it is not satisfactory to have a supervisory case opened against them, at the same time it is good that it is done when customers and consumers do not feel that suppliers and players in whatever market it is live up to expectations."

Footnote: Detur's management has declined to participate in a taped interview.

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"Were any of the trips intended to go at all?", Pär Nilsson asks.

Hear him in the clip.

Photo: Javier Abalo Aguilar / SVT