Overseas Network, April 22. The Associated Press and the "Daily Mail" reported on the 21st that British scientists released a research report saying that a British patient was infected with the new crown for nearly a year and a half, up to 505 days, or the world has The longest known case, the patient eventually died.

  "This appears to be the longest reported case of Covid-19," said Luke Braden Snell, an infectious disease specialist at the Guy and St Thomas NHS Trust in England. Snell's team will be in Portugal Multiple persistent cases of COVID-19 presented at infectious disease conference.

  Snell's research investigated what mutations occur and whether mutant strains evolve in people who have been infected with Covid-19 for a prolonged period of time.

The study involved nine patients who had tested positive for Covid-19 for at least eight weeks.

The immune systems of these patients are weakened by treatments for diseases such as organ transplants, AIDS, and cancer.

Their identities have not been released for privacy reasons.

(Li Fang from Overseas Network)