Europe 1 11:39 a.m., April 21, 2022

Did you miss the debate between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen?

Do you simply want to review one of the passes of arms that punctuated this exchange between the outgoing president and his rival?

Europe 1 invites you to (re) see all of this highlight of the campaign and thus help you make your choice for April 24.

A dense and muscular exchange.

For nearly three hours on Wednesday evening, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen exchanged, sometimes fiercely.

Europe, pensions, purchasing power, environment, climate, security, sailing: the subjects paraded before the eyes of several million viewers, the accusations too.

Between a pugnacious outgoing president and a tenacious Marine Le Pen, the debate could sometimes appear messy, as the two candidates have stuck to their respective positions.

So if you have not yet made your choice for Sunday April 24, take the time to watch this debate to enlighten you. 


 "Marine Le Pen can lead the country": in Denain, RN activists proud of their candidate

But Europe 1 has also thought of the most in a hurry: you will therefore find here a summary article of the exchange between the two candidates.

And if you want to go further, our editorialists have dissected this historic moment between a Marine Le Pen who appeared more sympathetic and less professorial than her competitor.

Their analysis can be found here.