US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said at a press conference on the 21st that he had left when a Russian representative spoke at the G20 = 20 major countries' meeting the day before. It was for the sake of it. "

At the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting held in Washington on the 20th, an unusual development in which representatives from the United States, Great Britain, Canada, etc. took their seats when a representative from Russia, who continued to invade Ukraine, made a statement. became.

Regarding this, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said at a press conference on the 21st, "Russia's actions are so contrary to international norms that we do not allow Russia to participate and do not listen to the representative's remarks. It was to clarify. "

He said, "President Biden has also said that Russia should be removed from the G20," and emphasized that the United States will continue to seek the exclusion of Russia from the G20.

The G20 is scheduled to hold a summit meeting in Indonesia in November, but it is possible that the differences in the views and positions of each country regarding Russia's participation may deepen.