
Click Last search term was 'Another black man killed by US police'.

On the 4th, police stopped on a road in Michigan, USA, saying there was a problem with the license plate of a black man, Patrick Ryoya.

When Ryoya, who was fighting the elevator, ran away, the police put him on his face and suppressed him, then pulled out a gun and fired at the back of the head.

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Roya, who is also the father of two children, was taken to the hospital, but eventually died.

Police allege that he "disobeyed orders to stay in his car and did not cooperate with the police in asking for a driver's license."

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The bereaved family announced the results of the autopsy at a press conference, and the doctor in charge of the autopsy said, "The cause of death was a gunshot wound through the back of the skull."

Police released a related video on the 13th, nine days after the incident, but did not reveal the name of the white policeman who shot the gun.

Netizens responded, "Nothing has changed since the George Floyd incident."