“Today, the main requirements for a blood donor are: the minimum age is 18 years.

There is no maximum age limit, according to Russian laws.

The minimum weight is 50 kg, but the body mass index (BMI) is calculated individually with each donor,” the expert said.

Before going to any blood service institution, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of temporary and absolute contraindications, the RT interlocutor emphasized.

The specialist reminded that before donating blood, one should not eat fatty and fried foods, alcoholic beverages, as well as analgin, aspirin and similar drugs.

In addition, Davydov explained that one of the restrictions on blood donation is the "donor traffic light" - a function that allows you to plan the number of donors for the coming days.

“Donors come in the day before the planned donation date and check the donor traffic light the next day.

A green signal means that the blood of this group and this Rhesus is in sufficient supply and the visit can be postponed.

A yellow signal means that only those who have previously donated to blood service institutions are accepted, and a red signal means that this group and this Rh are in demand, ”Davydov explained.

At the same time, he stressed that the red signal does not mean a shortage of blood.

Every year on April 20, Russia celebrates National Blood Donor Day.