Laura Laplaud 9:16 a.m., April 20, 2022

It's a statement we've heard before.

A few hours before the debate between the two rounds, the spokesperson for the National Rally campaign and supporter of Marine Le Pen, Louis Aliot denounces the presence in the political landscape of a left that he considers "sectarian ".

"We must not trust this left," he assured Sonia Mabrouk's microphone on Wednesday.


The second act of the presidential election will pit the leader of the National Rally (RN), Marine Le Pen, against outgoing President Emmanuel Macron.

While their ideas diverge, their political party opposes, the spokesman for the campaign of candidate RN Louis Aliot says he is "neither right nor left".

“There were people on the left at the time who defended freedom, secularism, democracy, the sovereignty of the people. Today, the left that we have is a left that wants to ban everything, it does not should not trust this left, "he said at the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk on Wednesday.

The mayor of Perpignan "deeply regrets" the change of this left.

"The left is sectarian and the French must realize this," he added.

"She is not able to assume the result of the ballot boxes, the shared power, she is in a very marked vision of democracy."

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