“Boris Johnson, if you are watching this video, I am writing to you personally and on behalf of Sean Pinner.

If you really care about our lives with him and the life of Viktor Medvedchuk, then you will do the right thing and help exchange us for Viktor so that he can freely return to his family, and we to our families,” he said.

Eslin also urged Johnson to do whatever it takes to help persuade Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to do the right thing about the Medvedchuk swap.

After Eslin was shown the appeal of Medvedchuk's wife Oksana Marchenko to Johnson, he expressed the opinion that the British prime minister needs to heed this.

Earlier, Marchenko published a video message to the relatives of two captured British mercenaries with a call to ask the British Prime Minister to influence Kyiv and exchange them for her husband.