Start a new journey of building a high-quality professional and innovative teaching team in the new era

——The head of the Department of Teachers' Work of the Ministry of Education answered reporters' questions on the "New Era Basic Education Strengthening Teachers Plan"

  A few days ago, the Ministry of Education and other eight departments jointly issued the "Plan for Strengthening Teachers in Basic Education in the New Era" (hereinafter referred to as the "Strengthening Teachers Plan"), and the head of the Department of Teacher Work of the Ministry of Education answered questions from reporters on related issues.

1. Please introduce the background of the "Strong Teacher Plan"

  A: High-quality teachers are the backbone of the development of high-quality education.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made a series of important instructions on strengthening the construction of the teaching staff, emphasizing that teachers are the backbone of education work, and teachers should be good teachers with "four possessions" and "four guides", so as to realize the "four qualities". The unity of each and every aspect”, party committees and governments at all levels must adhere to the construction of the teaching staff as the basic work.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to focus on building a high-quality and balanced basic public education service system, and strengthen the targeted training and precise training of teachers in underdeveloped areas in the central and western regions.

Premier Li Keqiang emphasized that it is necessary to strengthen the income security of compulsory education teachers according to law, increase on-the-job training and academic education, and improve the quality of compulsory education teachers.

  In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, our ministry has successively issued documents on the construction of teaching staff in the fields of vocational education and higher education in recent years.

In order to build a full-caliber teacher team building policy system and fully implement the spirit of the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Comprehensively Deepening the Reform of Teacher Team Building in the New Era", the Ministry of Education, together with relevant departments, has issued the "New Era Basic Education Strong Teacher Plan".

2. Please introduce the process of the development of the "Strong Teacher Program"?

  A: First, the centralized office develops documents.

On the basis of extensive research, experts and scholars, heads of grass-roots education administrative departments, and front-line principals and teachers were organized to form a special working class to focus on the development of documents, and communicated with relevant ministries and commissions for many times on key issues to form the first draft of the document.

The second is to repeatedly communicate and solicit opinions.

The draft of the Strong Teachers Plan solicits opinions from 8 departments including the Central Propaganda Department, 32 provincial education administrative departments, 6 subordinate normal universities and some comprehensive universities.

Comprehensively solicit opinions from members of the Central Education Work Leading Group.

The third is the special research of several conferences.

The comrades in charge of the education department presided over the work coordination meeting for many times, listened to the opinions and suggestions of colleges and universities, local education administrative departments and well-known experts and scholars, and held special seminars.

After deliberation and approval at the meeting of the Central Education Leading Group, the relevant departments will be countersigned.

3. What are the goals and tasks of the "Strong Teacher Program"?

  Answer: Based on the "14th Five-Year Plan" and facing 2035, the goals and tasks of the "Strengthening Teachers Plan" include two levels: First, by 2025, a number of national teacher education bases will be built, and a number of replicable and popularized teacher team construction reforms will be formed. Experience, cultivate a group of master-level primary and secondary school teachers and education leaders, improve the rural teacher training support service system that is modeled by normal universities under the Ministry and local normal colleges and universities, and gradually alleviate the shortage of primary and secondary school teachers in underdeveloped areas. Standardization and standardization, strong guarantee for teacher development, and significant improvement in the management and service level of the teaching staff.

Second, by 2035, to adapt to the requirements of educational modernization and building a strong education country, build an open, coordinated and linked high-level teacher education system, and establish a sound teacher professional development mechanism. The quality and education and teaching level have been significantly improved, and it has become common practice to respect teachers and attach importance to education.

4. What are the main contents of the "Strong Teacher Program"?

  A: The "Strong Teacher Plan" includes three parts: general requirements, specific measures, and implementation guarantees.

Among them, the 15 specific measures mainly focus on four aspects: first, to improve teachers' ability and quality, including improving teachers' ideological and political quality, strengthening and improving the construction of teachers' morality and style, implementing high-quality teacher talent training plans, and deepening the reform of precision training; second, Promote the balance of high-quality teachers, including the implementation of the targeted training plan for outstanding teachers in the underdeveloped areas in the central and western regions (hereinafter referred to as the excellent teacher plan), and optimizing the allocation of compulsory education teacher resources; the third is to strengthen the construction of the teacher education system, including the construction of national teacher education bases, establishment of teacher education Collaborate to innovate the platform and improve the evaluation of normal colleges and universities; the fourth is to deepen the comprehensive reform of management, including carrying out the pilot reform of the construction of the national teaching team, further improving the teacher qualification system, optimizing the staffing and allocation, deepening the reform of teacher titles, improving the post management system, and strengthening the salary of teachers. Salary guarantee, promote the informatization of teacher team construction.

5. What are the policy innovations in the "Strong Teachers Program"?

  Answer: The "Strengthening Teachers Plan" is guided by the cultivation of high-quality teachers, supported by the construction of a high-level teacher education system, and focuses on improving teachers' ideological and political quality, morality, and teaching ability. The ideas and measures to build the foundation and improve the quality of the team, make up for the shortcomings and help the weak, and build the best and the stronger, promote the coordinated development of the number, quality and structure of teachers, and promote the innovation of the construction of the teaching team:

  The first is to strengthen the construction of teacher education system under the guidance of high-level normal colleges and universities.

Support the construction of a number of national teacher education bases, and create the vanguard and leading geese for the high-quality development of teacher education.

In conjunction with the National Development and Reform Commission, we will implement the "14th Five-Year Plan" to promote education to strengthen the country, and support a group of normal colleges and universities to strengthen the construction of teaching and research facilities. The largest investment in normal colleges and the construction of normal majors.

Encourage and support the establishment of a collaborative innovation platform for teacher education, and promote cooperation between normal colleges and universities in the fields of educational scientific research, teacher education teacher team building, teacher training, and basic education services.

Support qualified local teachers' college upgrades.

  The second is to improve the level of teacher training with the goal of cultivating innovative talents.

Implement the high-quality teacher talent training plan, deepen the reform of the talent training model with the overall design of undergraduate and master degrees and segmented assessments, promote the pilot training of high-quality compound master-level high school teachers and the work of public-funded normal students in subordinate normal universities to study for the master's degree in education, and continue to implement rural schools. Master of Education teacher training plan to expand the scale of education master's training.

At the same time, the pilot program of famous teachers and principals will be implemented in depth to cultivate educators and great teachers in the field of basic education.

  The third is to focus on teachers from underdeveloped areas in the central and western regions, and promote the balance of high-quality teachers.

Continue to implement the targeted training plan for outstanding teachers in underdeveloped areas in the central and western regions, relying on subordinate normal universities and local high-level normal colleges and universities to provide targeted training for undergraduate-level normal students in 832 poverty-stricken counties and land border counties in the central and western regions, with the support of the central government.

We will further promote the management reform of "county-managed school employment", improve the incentive mechanism for exchange and rotation, and support teaching and teaching, and guide outstanding talents to flow to rural schools.

By implementing the subsidy policy, favoring professional title evaluation and employment, strengthening the construction of turnover dormitories and housing security, etc., efforts are made to enhance the professional attractiveness of rural teachers.

  The fourth is to deepen the evaluation reform as the lead to improve the governance level of the teaching staff.

Implement the requirements of education evaluation reform, and strictly implement the first standard of teachers' morality and style.

Deepen the reform of professional titles, implement classified evaluation, and issue guidelines for improving the management of post-setting in primary and secondary schools.

The distribution of performance-based wages is tilted towards head teachers, front-line teachers with outstanding educational and teaching effects, and teachers who work in special education classes.

Improve the evaluation of normal colleges and universities, and explore the evaluation mechanism for the construction of "double first-class" construction of normal schools.

Support the overall planning of local governments, and closely cooperate with relevant departments to carry out pilot projects for the construction and reform of the national teaching staff.

  The fifth is to use the application of information technology as the starting point to promote the construction of the teaching team to improve the quality and efficiency.

Support the construction and improvement of the normal student and teacher management information system, the teacher qualification management information system, the national teacher management service information platform, etc., strengthen the security protection of the information system, and provide information-based decision-making and convenient service support for the construction of the teaching team.

Deeply implement the pilot actions of artificial intelligence to boost the construction of teachers, explore new paths and new models for teacher management optimization, teacher education reform, innovation in education and teaching methods, and targeted education assistance, and further play the role of teachers in the integration of artificial intelligence and education.

6. How to organize and implement the plan?

  A: One point for deployment, nine points for implementation.

The organization and implementation of the strong teacher plan is a systematic project. To do a good job in the implementation work, we must comprehensively strengthen the leadership of the party.

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, strengthen political leadership, promote the role of local party committee education leading groups, set up a special class for strong teachers, and formulate specific implementation plans.

Second, we must do a good job of publicity and deployment.

The Ministry of Education will increase publicity by publishing theoretical articles and other forms, and by holding work deployment meetings and organizing special training courses for cadres, etc., to help local and relevant colleges and universities to deeply understand the spirit of the document, clarify goals and tasks, and grasp the key points of work.

Local education administrative departments should also do a good job of conveying, deploying and implementing the spirit of the document, thoroughly interpreting policies, and responding to social concerns in a timely manner.

The third is to establish a coordination mechanism.

Strengthen overall planning, establish a multi-departmental coordination and linkage promotion mechanism, jointly support the central and local governments, give priority to the construction of teaching staff as the focus of education investment, formulate and introduce teacher incentive support policies, and create a good trend of respecting teachers and teaching in the whole society, ensuring that All policies and measures have been fully implemented.

Fourth, we must strengthen supervision and supervision.

Education supervision departments at all levels should incorporate the implementation of the plan of strengthening teachers into the evaluation content of the government's performance of educational responsibilities, strengthen supervision and inspection, and strengthen the application of supervision results.

In particular, strictly implement the fund supervision system, standardize the use of funds, and ensure the efficiency of fund use.

For the innovative measures and typical experiences of schools in various places to implement the strong teacher plan, it is necessary to summarize, promote exchanges, and vigorously promote them in a timely manner.