Louise Sallé 6:49 a.m., April 14, 2022

The first barometer of national scale which is interested in the relationship of the French with their dog was unveiled yesterday.

And the figures are edifying: 85% of the population considers this animal to be a member of the family in its own right, whether they own one or not.

A survey, published on Tuesday by the CSA Institute and the official breed reference organization (Centrale Canine), shows strong political expectations in terms of animal welfare.

Society has, in fact, for fifty years, considerably evolved on the place of pets.

The dog, above all, has gone from the kennel to the sofa, or even now has its own room!

85% of French people consider him a full member of the family.

“We project human qualities onto the dog”

Christophe Blanchard, professor of sociology at the Sorbonne Paris Nord University, is not surprised by the results of this new barometer entitled "Dogs and the French".

"We project human qualities onto this animal. We will say that the dog is faithful, that he is loyal, that he does not judge him, unlike humans. Today we will call his dog Cathy or Michel, which was unthinkable a few years ago", he explains on Europe 1.

Shelters filled with abandoned dogs

Three-quarters of French people also want dogs to be welcomed in campsites, hospitals and nursing homes.

And even in the office, for nearly half of the population.

"There is a huge gap between what the French seem to indicate in this survey and the rhythm of society, its structures, which do not allow the simple reception of these pets", underlines Christophe Blanchard.

"It's problematic because shelters are overflowing with abandoned dogs. And many have been abandoned because of their owners' inability to manage them in their daily lives." 

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About 100,000 animals are abandoned each year in France: a record in Europe.

A problem that worries the French.

The issue of animal welfare was also raised on several occasions, and for the first time by many candidates, during this presidential campaign.