In order to prevent the damage of being forced to appear in adult videos, the LDP and Komeito will hold the first meeting of the working team for legislation, and measures to cancel problematic contracts at any time regardless of age or gender We proceeded with discussions on such matters and confirmed that we could reach a conclusion at an early stage.

Due to the reduction of the adult age, new adults 18 and 19 years old will not be able to use the "minor cancellation right" that can be canceled later if the contract is signed without the consent of the parents. , It has been pointed out that the damage of being forced to appear in adult videos may increase.

Under these circumstances, the Liberal Democratic Party and the Komeito Party set up a working team to develop legislation to prevent damage, and held their first meeting in the Diet on the 13th.

At the beginning, former Minister of Justice Kamikawa of the Liberal Democratic Party, who chairs the meeting, said, "If damage occurs, it will be a violation of human rights that will adversely affect the mind and body for a long period of time. We will respond with a sense of speed."

At the meeting, it was pointed out that "it is important to prevent damage at the age of 18 or 19, but we should take drastic measures regardless of age or gender."

In response to this, the work team has taken measures to cancel problematic contracts at any time, such as contract details not being properly explained, regardless of age or gender, and concrete measures to prevent damage caused by the spread of adult videos. We proceeded with the examination and confirmed that we could reach a conclusion at an early stage.

Liberal Democratic Party Chairman Sanae Takaichi "Expectations for the conclusion of the current Diet session"

After the ruling party policymakers' meeting, the Liberal Democratic Party's chairman of the political investigation, Takaichi, told reporters, "We should take measures to prevent damage to people of all ages. I hope that we can reach a conclusion in the current parliament if possible. "