The process of security analysis began after Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

On Wednesday, it will be presented to the Finnish Parliament.

The report will not take a position on whether Finland should apply for NATO membership, but present advantages and disadvantages.

-It is historical in many ways.

In one night, Finland had to re-evaluate how to relate to the world we see today, says Liselott Lindström.

Next week, the issue will be debated in the Finnish Parliament.

The matter is then expected to proceed to the Foreign Affairs Committee, which will present a proposal.

According to media reports, to which Liselott Lindström refers, an application for membership can be submitted in early May.

-There will be a decision very quickly.

Great support for NATO membership

In Finland, around 60 percent of the population is in favor of NATO membership, according to the latest opinion poll.

On Tuesday, the news came that more than half of the members of the Finnish Parliament are in favor of NATO membership.

At the same time as the report is presented, Prime Minister Sanna Marin is in Stockholm.

There she will have lunch with her colleague and party comrade Magdalena Andersson.

-It shows how important this analysis is.

Sanna Marin will probably say what thoughts there are in Finland regarding the security policy situation.

For Finland, it has been very important that Finland and Sweden go hand in hand in this security policy process, says Liselott Lindström.

"Afraid to irritate Russia"

But according to several experts, Finland will not slow down its process of NATO membership for Sweden to make a decision.

-Finland and Sweden have probably not had such close contact since Finland was part of Sweden, says Liselott Lindström.

She also says that it has become clear that Sweden and Finland have not been members of NATO for very different reasons.

-Sweden because it protects its freedom of alliance.

Finland for fear of irritating Russia.

There, it has been seen that not being part of NATO has been a way of keeping Russia calm.

Due to the changed security mode, the mode looks different.