As Russia's military invasion of Ukraine continues, British media say that Finland and Sweden, which have been military-neutral, will apply for NATO as early as this summer. I told you.

In Finland and Sweden, Russia's military invasion of Ukraine has led to active debate over NATO accession, of which Finland, which borders Russia for about 1,300 kilometers, supported accession in a poll last month. The number of people who do this has reached 62%.

The British newspaper The Times said yesterday that several US officials said the two countries would apply for NATO as early as this summer.

At the NATO Foreign Ministers' Meeting held this month, the accession of both countries was on the agenda.

In Finland, security debates are set to begin in parliament soon, and Prime Minister Marin has expressed his desire to reach a conclusion before mid-summer.

In addition, Sweden is also reviewing its security policy, revealing the idea that Prime Minister Andersson will not exclude membership.

NATO Secretary-General Stortemberg said at a press conference on the 5th of this month that he would welcome the application for membership, saying that he "has been in close contact with the leaders of both countries recently."

Since both countries have remained military-neutral, there are concerns about Russia's countermeasures if they join NATO.