SSU has previously been against a common EU defense, but after a vote on the issue, it is clear that the aim has now been redirected.

- In that respect, perhaps this is a shift in position where we show that if we need to take a stand on a European defense or a NATO defense, we think that the European line is better, says Lisa Nåbo to SVT.

Better EU than NATO protection

She emphasizes that it is not possible to say no to NATO membership without submitting other proposals.

- We think that Sweden should increase cooperation with the EU and that the existing solidarity clause, which all member states have signed, should also mean military guarantees.

If an EU country is invaded by a foreign power, a third country, then the EU should be there and help, Nåbo says.

Löfven: "Not convinced"

Former Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S), who is now chairman of Stockholm's international peace research institute Sipri, also does not see that an expansion of NATO's borders is the right way to go.

- I have not been convinced that we would suddenly have a safer situation in such cases, he says.

One who thinks the opposite is the S-politician and the political editor of Aktuellt i politiken, Daniel Färm.

- If Finland says yes, I think Sweden should do the same.

There is much to suggest that we would have good security with Swedish NATO membership, says Färm.