Olivier Poels 5:40 p.m., April 06, 2022

Chaud-froid is a hot preparation that is eaten cold, topped with sauce, often white and glossy.

But where does it come from?

In 1759, the Marshal of Luxembourg, whose table is very famous, receives, in his castle of Montmorency, some friends to dine.

Before sitting down to eat, he receives a message ordering him to join the King immediately.

Leaving the place, he ends up returning very late and asks that only one dish be served to him.

He is offered cold poultry, in a cream sauce that has frozen.

He revels in it and asks in the days that follow that this preparation be presented to him again.

Its brilliant chef never ceased to improve this recipe which was to become a classic of bourgeois cuisine....

The denomination hot-cold appeared in 1815 and Auguste Escoffier, Brillat-Savarin or Antonin Carême offered versions that still delight some “old-fashioned” caterers.

Poultry hot and cold recipe

Ingredients :

  • 4 chicken breasts

  • 1 liter of chicken broth

  • 20 g of butter

  • 20 g of flour

  • 10 cl of liquid cream

  • 2 sheets of gelatin

  • Salt pepper

  • Tarragon

  • Poach the chicken breasts in the broth (approx 15 min)

  • Keep them in the fridge

  • Filter the broth and reduce it by ¾

  • Soak the gelatin sheets in lukewarm water

  • Make a roux with the butter and flour then add the stock

  • Add cream and gelatin (texture should be thick but not sticky)

  • Rectify

  • Place the chicken breasts on a rack and arrange the tarragon leaves on top

  • Cover with still warm sauce and leave to cool for at least 1 hour.