The pain department sometimes encounters such a patient: "Hello, please sit down," and the doctor politely asks the patient to sit down.

The patient waved his hand, "No, doctor, it hurts as soon as the butt hits the stool!" After the doctor's examination and filming, the diagnosis was - coccyx pain.

Today, the pain doctor will teach you two groups of exercises to relieve tailbone pain.

  To keep the tailbone free

  Do this action sparingly

  Tail pain is characterized by pain in the tail when sitting for too long or standing up from a sitting position, or local pain aggravating when the tip of the tail is squeezed.

  It should be emphasized that daily prevention is very important in order to eradicate coccygeal pain.

  Pay attention to calcium supplementation in the diet to avoid local strain and fasciitis caused by osteoporosis.

The most important point is to avoid lying on your back on the sofa or sitting in one position for a long time, because this will cause the coccyx to bear damage beyond the ability of recovery, resulting in repeated coccyx pain.

  In addition, coccyx pain, like cervical spine and lumbar spine pain, can be relieved and treated by massage, hot compress, kinesthetic taping and other methods.

  different causes

  Treatments vary

  The treatment of tailbone pain is also divided into four treatment measures due to different causes:

  Patients with coccyx fracture and dislocation caused by trauma, of course, go to the hospital for treatment of coccyx fracture and dislocation.

In addition, it can also be combined with appropriate postoperative physical therapy and rehabilitation exercises.

  Patients due to chronic strain can take a prone or lateral position for 2 to 3 weeks of rest, or supine.

Cushion with an air ring while sitting, and take a hot water bath 2 to 3 times a day to relieve anal muscle spasm.

Most patients recover within 1 to 3 months.

  However, there are individual differences among people, and there are patients with coccyx pain that delays for a long time. At this time, 3 to 6 months of treatment without coccyx bearing weight can be used until the pressure is painless before weight-bearing sitting.

Symptoms tend to recur if the tailbone is loaded too early.

  When the pain point of the tailbone is clear, you can go to the pain department of the hospital to consult whether local anti-inflammatory analgesic solution or ozone injection is feasible. Small needle knife and silver needle release are also optional methods.

In addition, the latest platelet-rich plasma therapy, which can promote the growth and healing of fractured or dislocated coccyx by injecting growth factor-rich plasma into the injury site, can achieve the purpose of eradicating pain.

  Intractable coccyx pain if the pain persists and does not relieve, you should go to the hospital to consult a doctor if a coccyxectomy is possible.

Routine preoperative local anti-inflammatory analgesic injection treatment has good analgesic effect and good surgical effect. Otherwise, it is necessary to consider whether the patient suffers from lumbosacral disease, which compresses the nerve root and causes coccygeal pain.

  try these moves

  pain relief

  I recommend two sets of movements to everyone, which have a good effect on relieving coccyx pain.

  Move one foot together, the toes, the inside of the foot, and the heel of the feet are as close as possible to activate the strength of the inner thigh; the knee is straight, the knee is raised, the hips are pulled down, and the back of the thigh muscle is lifted; the abdomen is slightly retracted, Keep your chest high, your spine extended upwards, and your neck straight; your weight can't just be placed on your heels and toes, but evenly distributed.

  Action 2: Sit on the ground with your back against the wall, with your legs and feet stretched forward and together, hands on your sides, bend your knees and retract your feet, with the soles of your feet facing each other, with your heels as close as possible to the inner thighs, near the perineum, and your toes. Move forward; hold your feet with both hands, keep your waist straight, look straight ahead, and move your legs up and down like butterflies; press your knees with both hands and take a deep breath, use your elbows to press your legs flat on the ground as much as possible for 10 Take a breath around and cooperate with the perineal bandha.

Then, restore to the original position.

  Text/Yue Jianning (Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University)