Advocate heroes, cherish the memory of heroes, learn from heroes and defend heroes.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping's footprints in memory of heroes and martyrs have spread all over the country.

Every solemn bow, every soulful gaze... all pinned his deep memory and tribute to revolutionary martyrs and people's heroes.

Chief planner: Chen Kaixing, Zou Shengwen, Ding Xiguo

Producer: Chang Ailing, Qi Huijie, Liu Ziling

Coordination: Yang Xia Zhang Shuqi

Copywriter: Around Yang Xia, Yao Yuruan

Design: Xie Ben

Final judgment: He Li, Liu Dajiang, Gao Jie

Editor: Tao Hong

Xinhua News Agency New Media Center

Xinhua News Agency Hunan Branch

Joint production