After the hours of fasting in Ramadan and feeling hungry, thirsty and exhausted, the fasting people are waiting for the Maghrib call to prayer with eagerness to eat the delicious and delicious food, and to break hunger and thirst, and in the hope of feeling energy and vitality.

But eating breakfast may not help in getting the required energy, as some get headaches or find drowsiness creep in, and struggle to stay alert.

What are the reasons behind this sudden desire to sleep after breakfast?

And how can it be avoided or reduce its impact?

Causes of sleepiness after breakfast

In general, feeling a little sleepy after eating is completely normal and not a cause for concern, and nutritionist and therapeutic nutritionist Iman Jamal, in her talk to Al Jazeera Net, attributed what happens to the body after eating breakfast - it makes it relaxed and increases the feeling of laziness - to the intestines needing a lot of blood To help digest food.

She said, "Eating large and sudden quantities causes the speed of digestion to increase dramatically, and the brain delivers a large amount of blood to the intestines, and thus there is a decrease in the blood rush to the rest of the body's organs, including the brain, and here we begin to feel the desire to sleep."

Breaking the fast in a healthy way helps reduce the sudden feeling of drowsiness (Getty Images)

According to Medical News Today, the feeling of fatigue is due to the fact that the body produces more serotonin after eating, a chemical that plays a role in regulating sleep and feeling sleepy.

The amino acid tryptophan, which is found in many protein-rich foods, helps the body produce serotonin, and carbohydrates help the body absorb tryptophan.

For these reasons, eating a meal rich in proteins and carbohydrates may make a person feel sleepy.

According to the American Health Line website, in some cases, feeling tired after eating or feeling sleepy all the time may be a sign of another health problem such as diabetes, an allergy to some food components, or anemia. or thyroid problems.

To avoid feeling sleepy after eating breakfast and to provide the body with energy and vitality, there are some tips that help:

 Avoid these foods

The nutritionist advises avoiding or reducing the intake of fried foods, sugars that increase insulin levels in the blood, including fruit juices, foods that contain simple carbohydrates such as rice, pasta, white flour and everything that contains flour such as white bread, baked goods, etc., and white sugar.

A dietician advises avoiding or reducing the intake of fried foods and sugars for breakfast (Getty Images)

Break your fast in a healthy way

The specialist indicated that breaking the fast in a healthy manner contributes to reducing the sudden feeling of drowsiness, by "eating a date and a glass of water, then going to the Maghrib prayer, then returning to the dining table, and starting to eat the soup."

She added, "It is preferable to break the fast with dates, because it contains natural fibers and sugars, so it supplies the body with the necessary energy, and it is preferable not to dispense with the soup dish, which helps the gastric juices to prepare the stomach to receive food, as the feeling of sleepiness after breakfast is mainly due to the fact that we eat breakfast." Once, so the blood circulation rushes towards the digestive system."

Follow the "dish" rule

The nutritionist stressed the importance of "focusing on the balance between starches, proteins and carbohydrates, and paying attention to eating enough salad at the beginning of breakfast, as it provides the body with important vitamins, salts and minerals to compensate for the loss during fasting, in addition to causing a feeling of fullness, and helps reduce the intake of carbohydrates and starches."

She also advised to follow the "dish rule", which is "dividing the plate into two halves, the first half containing vegetables or salad, and the other half dividing into two halves: one half of protein and the other of healthy carbohydrates such as bulgur or brown bread."

Regulating stimulant intake

The nutritionist stressed the need to delay taking stimulants after breakfast, and said that they “constitute an obstacle to the absorption of vitamins because they contain tuna,” a substance that sticks to iron and prevents its absorption, causing anemia in the long run, so it is preferable to drink tea and coffee an hour or two after breakfast. .

Preferring to drink tea and coffee an hour or two after breakfast (Pixels)

food in stages

The nutritionist also advised delaying breakfast for some time after breaking the fast with drinks or dates, for only 10 to 15 minutes, so that the body is given an opportunity to start absorbing food and fluids.

She added that what is more important than the delay is to focus on the previous method we mentioned for breakfast, which enhances the feeling of vigor and vitality.

Get enough sleep

It is not surprising that not getting enough sleep can contribute to drowsiness after eating. After relaxing and feeling full, the body feels more comfortable, especially if it did not get enough sleep the night before.

Therefore, it is recommended to regulate bedtime as much as possible, and include exercise as part of your daily routine to help you get a better night's sleep.

Don't forget sports

In addition to helping you sleep better at night, exercise helps increase energy levels during the day, reducing the incidence of post-meal relaxation.

A lack of physical activity during the day doesn't help your body store energy and use it whenever you want, but instead, being active helps ensure you have the energy to stay alert throughout the day.