Before the invention of anesthesia, surgery was a very scary thing.

In order to drive away the pain of surgery and help patients better receive treatment, anesthetic drugs and technologies have emerged, so that patients can receive treatment with more dignity and safety.

  March 28-April 3, 2022 is the 6th "China Anesthesia Week". The theme of this year's anesthesia week is "Respect life, pay attention to anesthesia - without me, the operation used to be painful; with me, safety and painlessness can be guaranteed. ".

  Qilu Evening News reporter Chen Xiaoli

  Correspondent Cui Ziang Yang Shaozhong Dong Ping

Anesthesia isn't just "a shot"

To ensure the safety of perioperative period

  "With the rapid development of anesthesiology, the progress of anesthesia treatment methods and anesthesia monitoring, modern anesthesiology has changed from simply solving surgical pain to paying more attention to patient safety and comfort and postoperative functional recovery." Qilu Chief Physician, Department of Anesthesiology, Qilu Hospital, Shandong University Introducing the peak.

  The rapid development of anesthesiology in my country in the past 30 years, especially the clinical application of visual bedside technology, the continuous accuracy of anesthesia monitoring, and the standardization of anesthesia education and training, have significantly improved the medical safety and quality of clinical anesthesia in my country, helping surgery to break through. Many surgical restricted areas have greatly promoted the development of foreign science in China and accelerated the recovery of patients after surgery.

  Qi Feng said: "Although many outstanding achievements have been made, for a long time, the stage of anesthesiologists has been limited to the operating room. As a hero behind the scenes under the shadowless lamp, they have become 'people who can only give one injection' in the eyes of the common people."

  Anesthesia is just a shot and sleep?

Wang Chunling, deputy chief physician of the Department of Anesthesiology, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, said: "In addition to ensuring that patients are pain-free and comfortable during diagnosis and treatment, the work of anesthesiologists is more important to ensure patient safety during surgery and anesthesia recovery."

  "Strict before surgery, proficient during surgery, and diligent after surgery" refers to the daily work of anesthesiologists.

"During the perioperative period, the anesthesiologist uses anesthetic drugs and techniques to maintain the steady state of breathing, circulation, and metabolism through the monitoring of physiological functions, and adjusts the non-physiological states such as pain and blood loss of the patient during the operation, so as to maintain the function of the body. This is also a series of life-related treatments performed by anesthesiologists on patients." Wang Chunling said.

  Therefore, there has been an image in the medical field for many years, "surgeons treat diseases, anesthesiologists save lives", and anesthesiologists are also known as "life protection gods" in patients' operations.

Available for most mothers

Intraspinal labor analgesia

  Today, with the rapid development of anesthesiology drugs, technologies, and concepts, sub-specialties such as intensive care and pain diagnosis and treatment have been independently developed from anesthesiology, which has also allowed some anesthesiologists to move from behind the scenes to the front, and truly become the center of patients' cognition. A doctor who can heal.

  "The current anesthesia technology and drugs have made breakthroughs in the treatment of a variety of intractable and refractory diseases." Qi Feng said that the current anesthesia treatment in chronic pain, cancer pain, drug dependence, certain immune diseases and Good clinical results have been achieved in the treatment of rare diseases.

  Childbirth analgesia has also been a topic of widespread concern in recent years, and it is also a comfortable medical project that is conducive to the safety of mothers and babies.

There are many methods of "labor analgesia", including acupoint stimulation, etc. Intraspinal administration is the most accurate means of labor analgesia.

  "Most puerperae can choose to use intraspinal labor analgesia, but some cases are contraindicated, such as pregnancy complicated with severe heart disease, allergy to anesthetics, history of lumbar trauma surgery, infection at the lumbar puncture site, severe deformity of the lumbar spine, intracranial hypertension, etc. "Wang Chunling introduced that pregnant women and their families can consult the obstetric clinic, anesthesia clinic and midwife clinic in advance during pregnancy.

general anesthesia

Does it make people stupid?

  Qi Feng said such worries are unnecessary.

General anesthesia means that anesthesia drugs enter the body through the respiratory tract, veins or muscles, temporarily inhibit the normal function of the cranial nerves, and ensure that the patient has no consciousness and no memory during the operation.

The effect of anesthetic drugs on brain function is reversible. In layman's terms, it means "everything in the past can be restarted!"

  Why do I need to fast before anesthesia for surgery?

According to Wang Chunling, during surgical anesthesia, if there is food in the stomach, it may reflux into the esophagus and throat, or even enter the lungs, which can lead to serious life-threatening complications, such as aspiration pneumonia and asphyxia.

  A small amount of water entering the trachea by mistake can still cause severe coughing. Just imagine, what kind of injury storm will it cause when a large amount of acidic stomach contents enter the airway?

Therefore, generally speaking, food and drink must be fasted before surgical anesthesia, and patients must obey the instructions of doctors and nurses.

When to start eating depends on the surgery, age and other circumstances.

Do not drink water before surgery

Can I still take the usual medicines?

  Qi Feng said that with the aging of the population, there are more and more patients with underlying diseases. According to the specific condition of the patient, most drugs can be taken until the day of surgery.

Generally speaking, the medicine can be taken with a small sip of water (within 20ml) in the morning or 2 hours before the operation.

  It should be reminded that some drugs are not recommended to be used continuously during the perioperative period, or the dose and variety need to be adjusted.

Consultation with various specialists is recommended, depending on the specific situation.

  Does the patient need to tell the anesthesiologist or surgeon of all discomforts and illnesses?

  Wang Chunling said that in addition to the main surgical diseases for medical treatment, other diseases (such as allergies, cardiopulmonary and cerebrovascular diseases, rheumatic immune diseases), long-term coexisting or sudden discomfort (may have new concomitant diseases), special family history of diseases (such as the history of malignant hyperthermia during anesthesia), etc., should be fully communicated with the anesthesiologist and the surgeon before surgery, so as to better escort the patient's life safety.

  Why do anesthesiologists ask patients to open their mouths for examination?

Qi Feng introduced that during anesthesia surgery, airway patency is an important prerequisite for patient safety.

Awake patients can retain spontaneous breathing, and patients receiving general anesthesia need artificial airways (tracheal intubation, laryngeal mask, etc.) and anesthesia machine to assist breathing.

  As a master of airway management, the anesthesiologist will definitely check the patient's mouth opening and neck range of motion when visiting the patient before surgery, and pay attention to whether the patient has special conditions, such as congenital cleft lip and palate, limited mouth opening, small jaw, reverse Prominent jaw, incisors, sleep snoring, short neck, restricted neck movement, etc.

  Once the above situation exists, the anesthesiologist will make various preparations for the difficult airway, and insert a life-saving ventilation tube for the patient at the moment when the patient receives general anesthesia and spontaneous breathing stops.

If you have a cold and cough

Can surgery be done?

  According to Wang Chunling, most patients begin to be nervous and anxious before surgery.

In fact, postoperative analgesia is the "right" of patients in the process of diagnosis and treatment. Anesthesiologists will provide patients with a variety of postoperative analgesia programs, which can effectively relieve postoperative pain and improve comfort, and postoperative analgesia will not affect the wound. heal.

  Some patients asked, if I have a cold and cough recently, can I still do the surgery?

Qi Feng said that elective surgery is recommended in the acute stage of a cold.

Because the respiratory tract is more sensitive to various stimuli at this time, it is easy to induce intraoperative and postoperative airway spasm and laryngospasm, and increase postoperative pneumonia and other critical conditions.

Surgery can be performed two weeks after regular treatment and symptoms disappear.