When participating in voluntary tree planting every year, General Secretary Xi Jinping will give important instructions on carrying out voluntary tree planting and strengthening ecological protection.

  On March 30 this year, when the General Secretary participated in the voluntary tree-planting activity in the capital, a new expression appeared in his speech - "Forests are reservoirs, money storages, and grain storages, and now we should add a 'carbon storage'".

  After ten years of insisting on planting trees, the connotation given by the general secretary to planting green, protecting green and loving green is also constantly expanding and deepening.

Scenery of Xiuhu Wetland Park in Bishan, Chongqing (taken on March 29, drone photo).

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Quanchao

  In December 1981, my country passed the "Resolution on Carrying out the National Voluntary Tree Planting Movement", and voluntary tree planting has become the obligation of every citizen.

The birth of this national movement is related to a catastrophic flood in 1981.

Experts at that time argued that the floods were related to the severe destruction of forest vegetation in the upper reaches of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers.

At that time, people's expectation of voluntary tree planting was more about soil and water conservation, a passive measure to make up for ecological debts and make up for ecological shortcomings.

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the construction of ecological civilization has become an important part of the overall promotion of the "five-in-one" overall layout and the coordinated promotion of the "four comprehensive" strategic layout.

As an important activity for the whole people to participate in the construction of ecological civilization, voluntary tree planting has been endowed with a more profound meaning.

  "One of the important meanings of voluntary tree planting by the whole people is to let everyone establish the awareness of ecological civilization and form a consensus and joint force to promote the construction of ecological civilization." When participating in the voluntary tree planting activities in the capital in March 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping said.

  After decades of continuous promotion, the voluntary tree planting by the whole people has made significant progress.

my country's forest area and stock volume have continued to grow, becoming the country with the largest increase in forest resources in the world.

There are more greens that can be seen and felt by ordinary people, and "beautiful China is constantly becoming a reality".

A scene of Tianjin Xiqing Ecological Corridor (taken on August 16, 2021, drone photo).

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ran

  "Now, my country's ecological civilization construction has entered a critical period in which the improvement of the ecological environment has changed from quantitative to qualitative." General Secretary Xi Jinping said.

  To move from "quantitative change" to "qualitative change", it is necessary to further actively change the development mode.

  When participating in the voluntary tree planting activity in the capital last year, the general secretary pointed out that increasing the forest area, improving the forest quality, and increasing the increase in the carbon sink of the ecosystem will make a greater contribution to achieving my country's carbon peak carbon neutrality goal and maintaining global ecological security.

This year he proposed again, "consolidate and enhance the carbon sink capacity of the ecosystem".

  Under the background of "double carbon", the status and role of forests are more prominent.

Afforestation is an important way to increase forest carbon sinks, and it is also the most cost-effective way to contribute to the "two-carbon" goal.

  The general secretary's emphasis on "carbon pools" is self-evident—playing the role of forests as carbon sinks, advocating a green and low-carbon development approach, and proactively responding to global climate change.

  "Forests and grasslands play a fundamental and strategic role in national ecological security, and the prosperity of forests and grasslands promotes ecological prosperity." The general secretary profoundly expounded the importance of grasslands and forests from the perspective of ecological effectiveness.

  General Secretary Xi Jinping also emphasized that "it is necessary to carry forward the spirit of Saihanba and continue to promote the voluntary tree planting work of the whole people".

  Wanghai Tower in Saihanba Mechanical Forest Farm (taken on August 23, 2021, drone photo).

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Mou Yu

  In August last year, when inspecting the Saihanba Mechanical Forest Farm in Chengde, Hebei, the general secretary pointed out that "the construction of ecological civilization should rely on both material and spirit."

  Spiritual inheritance needs to be passed down from generation to generation.

  The annual tree-planting activities require the participation of the Young Pioneers.

In the opinion of General Secretary Xi Jinping, an important significance of the voluntary tree planting activities is to "promote the sowing of the seeds of ecological civilization in the whole society, especially in the hearts of young people".

  "Everyone gathers firewood and the flame is high, and everyone plants trees and trees into forests." After ten years of tree planting, the general secretary took the lead and set an example by himself, gathering the majestic power of hundreds of millions of people to plant green, protect green and love green.

  Producer: Zhao Cheng

  Planning: Huo Xiaoguang

  Writers: Hu Lu, Huang Yue

  Coordination: Huang Quanquan, Han Jie, Wang Xuan

  Vision | Editor: Yang Wenrong, Wang Qiuyun

  Produced by Xinhua News Agency

  Produced by the first studio of Xinhua News Agency