Lower salaries and shorter care periods, Lucille M'Boge Fredriksson sees this as factors that keep the costs of Gothenburg's deliveries at Sahlgrenska University Hospital down.

For example, early maternity leave is sought for midwives, which means that a mother can go home six hours after giving birth to her second child.

- It is not suitable for everyone to go home so early, I am not an expert, but I think it can affect the economy that you invest in early homecoming, she says.

Want to provide safe care

She was involved in the union throughout her time as a midwife at the birth and then tried to fight to provide care that she thinks is evidence-based and safe.

If Sahlgrenska University Hospital decides to spend more money on maternity care, she would like to see an investment in more frequent staffing.

According to Lucille, the research shows that a midwife of four to five families at BB is adequate. 

- Östra Hospital has a goal of six families, but we are not there today.

Last year I was able to take care of as many as twelve families.

And more training is needed for the staff.

The Swedish Medical Association: "We are underfunded"

Tomas Fritz is chief physician and clinic representative in obstetrics at Östra Hospital.

He can not comment on the differences in costs between the regional hospitals because he does not know exactly what is included in the figures.

- I can not say that we who work notice the differences between the counties, but on the other hand we notice that we are underfunded, which is reflected in the lack of midwives.

I also know that we are low in salary within Sahlgrenska in relation to the rest of the country and that makes it difficult to recruit doctors and other staff, he says.

The management at the hospital believes that the low median price for deliveries does not affect the quality of care.

Here, the CFO explains in more detail why the price can be so low for births in Gothenburg.