A 98-year-old visitor visits "Expo Dubai" on its last day

The 98-year-old Indian tourist, Maltebeen Dennerboy, was keen to visit "Expo 2020" on its last day, a visit that will be engraved, according to her description, in her memories.

In statements to Indian media, Maltbein said, "I am happy to visit Expo 2020, which will remain engraved in my memory for a long time."

She explained: "I had to see and discover on the ground what the well-known "Expo 2020" offers, and I was pleased to fulfill this wish before it was unveiled after six months of creativity and excellence."

When asked about the pavilions that drew her attention, she said: "Each pavilion has its own story, and its various shows and events, and all of them represented an integrated palette of beauty and creativity."

She concluded: "It is difficult to miss an exceptional event, which I made sure not to miss during my visit to Expo 2020 Dubai, the largest, most distinguished and unique exhibition in the history of international exhibitions."