Regarding emergency measures in light of rising prices, Komeito's political research chairman Takeuchi said that the reserve fund for the new fiscal year, which the government assumes to be financial resources, should be left in preparation for new corona measures and disasters. He emphasized the need to formulate a budget plan and pass it in the current Diet session.

In light of rising prices due to the situation in Ukraine, the government plans to put together emergency measures by the end of next month, and the financial resources will be covered by the reserve fund of the new fiscal year budget.

Regarding this, Komeito's political research chairman Takeuchi said at a press conference, "Current measures against soaring crude oil costs about 200 billion yen in a month. The seventh wave of the new corona is expected, and the earthquake directly under the capital and the Nankai Trough earthquake are unexpected. Given the situation, it is not permissible to use up all the reserve funds. "

He added, "I am worried that if we run out of money to counter the rise in crude oil during the Upper House election, when the Diet is not held, we are worried that it will be a serious situation." He emphasized that it is necessary to establish it in the House of Councilors now.

Liberal Democratic Party Chairman Sanae Takaichi “No need to formulate supplementary budget now”

At a press conference, the Liberal Democratic Party's chairman of the political affairs investigation, Takaichi, said, "The budget for the new fiscal year, which is the largest ever, has just been established. We should take immediate action, and I don't think we need to formulate a supplementary budget right now. "

He added, "As instructed by Prime Minister Kishida, we will take measures within the reserve budget for the new fiscal year, and if that is not enough, we will respond after that."