Harvard University's Center for American Political Science and the Harris Poll conducted a two-day survey of 1,990 registered U.S. voters on the 23rd and found that 70% of respondents supported additional sanctions against Russia.

76% of the respondents said that the US and NATO allies should provide missile defense systems to Ukraine.

71% said they should send fighter jets to Ukraine.

57% of voters also expressed support for a no-fly zone that Ukraine continues to require.

However, 53% of the voters opposed and 47% of the votes in favor of the US and NATO sending troops directly to Ukraine.

In the survey conducted ahead of the midterm elections, 32% of respondents cited inflation as the most important challenge they face.

Economy and jobs were followed by 27%, followed by immigration at 21%.

76% of respondents said they were affected by inflation, and 46% predicted inflation would continue.

Only 35% of the respondents said they supported President Joe Biden's economic policy, and only 39% supported the jobs policy.

President Biden's approval rating for state affairs was 39%.