Editor's note:

Over the past 100 years, the Communist Party of China has handed over an excellent answer sheet to the people and to history.

Now, the party unites and leads the people of all ethnic groups in the country to embark on a new road to take the exam to achieve the second centenary goal.

The history of the "two centenary" goals has converged. We have started a new journey to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way, and we are marching forward on the road of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly cited scriptures, aided the past and verified the present, endowed the allusions with fresh connotations of the times, and profoundly explained the spiritual code of the Communist Party of China, which is rock-like in its original intention and time-honored.

CCTV's "Learning Every Day" specially plans a series of "Dian" to brighten the new era, and learn and comprehend it together with you.


  "Poor will change, change will pass, general will last" contains the precious simple dialectics thought of the ancients of our country.

It means that things should change when they are in distress and exhaustion. Only after the change can they be mastered, and after the mastery can they last for a long time.

It tells an unbreakable truth: all things in the world have a process of occurrence, development and decline. When anything develops to the stage of decline, it must seek changes to find a way out.

If you blindly follow the old ways and don’t think about changes, you can only become rigid and die; on the contrary, if you can make corresponding adjustments in response to changes in the environment, you can survive in a desperate situation and remain invincible.

This is where the idiom "poor, thinking about change" comes from.

  This sentence has a great influence on later generations.

In order to reform the law and reform, the bourgeois reformists in the late Qing Dynasty, based on the ancient teachings of the "Book of Changes", put forward the view that "the change is the axiom of the past and the present". Modern China played a role of enlightenment.


  After more than 40 years of reform and opening up, China has taken on a new look and has become the world's second largest economy and largest industrial country.

Today, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, standing at a new historical starting point, starting from reform and opening up, advancing in the logic of historical progress, developing in the trend of the times, and continuing to seek out the people's expectations for happiness .

  Entering the new era, the main contradiction in our society has changed, from the contradiction between the people's growing material and cultural needs and backward social production in the past to the people's growing need for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development. contradiction.

At the same time, the reform has entered a critical period, a deep-water area, and its complexity, sensitivity and arduousness are no less than 40 years ago.

From eliminating the shortcomings of the system and mechanism, to breaking the barriers of solidified interests, from solving the problem of unbalanced and insufficient development, to promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, there are still many difficulties and obstacles on the way forward.

  Innovation wins the future, and reform is related to the national destiny.

Whether it is promoting career development or responding to risks and challenges, the way out is in reform and opening up, and the hope is in reform and opening up.

Only by insisting on unstoppable reform and opening up, and holding the banner of reform and opening up in the new era higher and more stably, can the giant ship "China" ride the wind and waves, travel steadily and far, and sail towards a better tomorrow.

  History will never end, and struggle will never end.

At the celebration of the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized the need to "adhere to the same direction, unbiased path, and undiminished strength, and promote the reform and opening up in the new era to go more steadily and further."

The direction determines the road, and the road determines the destiny.

On the new journey, we must continue to hold high the banner of reform and opening up, deepen reform and expand opening up with greater vigour, dare to bite the bullet, dare to venture into dangerous beaches and overcome difficulties. I believe that China will surely create new and greater miracles that will impress the world. !

  (Author Yang Lixin)

  (China Central Radio and Television Station CCTV Network)