There are reasons to doubt compulsory vaccination.

There's only one reason nobody would have thought of until now: lack of paper.

The central association of statutory health insurance companies now defended this in order to consider compulsory vaccination to be unfeasible.

It is no secret that this shortage has existed for some time, or more precisely: since the recovery from the Corona crisis.

But it comes as a surprise that banks, insurance companies or authorities could have too little paper to serve their customers.

So far, citizens have received every bill and every increase in contributions on paper, each with a detailed justification and explanation.

If that hadn't been possible, you can be sure that there would have been a digital way.

So hopefully the lack of paper won't be a serious problem for the health insurance companies.

They fight tooth and nail to take on the task that threatens them, namely the supervision of compulsory vaccination.

Unfortunately, a lot of porcelain was smashed with this attitude during the Corona crisis.

If there were organizations that were on the ball with the vaccination campaign and knew how to organize it well, the vaccination rate would probably be higher.

As it is, however, the call for the state (with subsequent cheap criticism of its bureaucracy) is a block on society's leg.

The leading associations of legal doubters in Germany are of little help.