The total cost of 5-year treatment for a liver cancer patient is 1 million yuan, while the cost of liver cancer prevention is only 100 yuan.

There are 370,000 new cases of liver cancer in my country every year, and the mortality rate is as high as 92%.

For every 100 liver cancer patients, only 14 people live more than 5 years.

Why can't it be cured?

Because many liver cancers are discovered at an advanced stage, hepatitis B is the main cause of liver cancer. In my country, 85% of liver cancer patients are infected with hepatitis B, and 1 in every 12 people is infected with hepatitis B.

You can screen for hepatitis B by adding 100 yuan to the routine physical examination. If you are not infected, you can immediately inject hepatitis B vaccine. If you are infected, don’t panic. Go to the hospital for regular treatment, which can also keep you away from liver cancer.

(Hu Chunyan, reporter from China Youth Daily China Youth Daily)