Stay away from these "liver" disturbing the spring to nourish the liver. From

  hepatitis to liver cancer, the body has given us 3 chances

  March 18 is the 22nd National Liver Love Day. This year's publicity theme is "National Participation, Active Screening, Standardized Diagnosis and Treatment, and Hepatitis Cure", which aims to call on everyone to take active actions to further popularize various types of liver diseases, especially chronic diseases Knowledge of the prevention and treatment of toxic hepatitis, participation of the whole people, active screening, standardized diagnosis and treatment, and effective prevention and treatment of hepatitis and its complications.

  According to the "Expert Consensus on Primary Prevention of Liver Cancer in China 2018" released by the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, there were approximately 782,000 new cases of liver cancer and 746,000 deaths from liver cancer worldwide in 2012.

Among them, new liver cancer accounted for 50.5% in my country, and liver cancer deaths accounted for 51.3%.

  In fact, before the occurrence of liver cancer, the body gave a reminder, but we didn't care.

  【Popular Science】

  A person dies of hepatitis every 30 seconds

  The liver is the largest gland in the human body and one of the most important and hard-working organs in the human body. It has functions such as synthesis, metabolism, detoxification, secretion and immune defense. Once sick, the consequences are serious.

  Hepatitis has a variety of pathogenic factors. Due to different etiologies, hepatitis can be divided into various types, including viral hepatitis, alcoholic hepatitis, steatohepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis, and drug-induced hepatitis.

Among them, only viral hepatitis is contagious, and viral hepatitis includes five types: A, B, C, D and E.

  Hepatitis B and C patients are high-risk factors for liver cancer, and they must be paid enough attention to receive regular treatment.

  The World Health Organization issued a document in 2021 stating that every 30 seconds, one person dies from hepatitis-related diseases.

Viral hepatitis B and C are the main infectious disease "killers".

Every year, 1.1 million people worldwide die of cirrhosis or liver cancer due to lack of timely testing and treatment for hepatitis B and C.

  It is conservatively estimated that there are nearly 100 million people chronically infected with hepatitis B and C in my country, accounting for nearly one-third of the world, and the burden of liver cancer caused by them accounts for more than half of the world.

  The occurrence of liver cancer is closely related to hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus infection. More than 50%-80% of liver cancer is caused by persistent hepatitis B virus infection, and 25% is caused by persistent hepatitis C virus infection.

Among the chronic hepatitis B patients in my country, about 25%-40% eventually develop severe liver cirrhosis or liver cancer after chronic development.

  Only three steps from hepatitis to liver cancer

  Professor Zheng Sujun, deputy director of Beijing You'an Hospital's Intractable Liver Disease and Artificial Liver Center, introduced that the evolution from hepatitis to liver cancer is a typical trilogy, namely hepatitis - cirrhosis - liver cancer.

  Step 1: Hepatitis

  Infected with hepatitis B virus, the proliferation of the virus in the body will activate the body's immunity, and in the process of clearing the virus, it will cause immune damage, leading to the destruction of liver cells, and then the formation of liver inflammation.

  Step 2: Cirrhosis

  The proliferation of hepatitis B virus will stimulate the immune system to clear the virus, and the constant struggle between the two will lead to the persistence of liver damage and liver inflammation.

After the liver is damaged, it can only be repaired by scars, which is manifested as liver fibrosis.

  Step 3: Liver Cancer

  After liver cirrhosis, some patients may be accompanied by diabetes, obesity, high blood lipids, endocrine disorders, abnormal functions of the internal environment and immune system of the human body, resulting in a decline in the function of the immune system to supervise the occurrence of tumors and the inability to remove mutated liver cells. Cancer can occur.

  3 chances before liver cancer strikes

  In a lifetime, people have at least 3 chances to prevent liver cancer.

  1st chance: a chance to stay away from risk factors

  1. Prevention of viral hepatitis

  According to the Expert Consensus on Primary Prevention of Liver Cancer in China 2018, chronic hepatitis B virus infection is the main cause of liver cancer in my country, and about 85% of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma carry signs of hepatitis B virus infection.

  Recommendation: Hepatitis B vaccine is the most cost-effective way of prevention.

If the parents have hepatitis, the mother-infant block should be done in preparation for pregnancy.

People with chronic hepatitis B or C should take antiviral therapy as prescribed by a doctor.

  2. Stay away from alcohol

  Alcohol consumption can lead to a variety of chronic liver diseases such as alcoholic fatty liver disease, alcoholic hepatitis, and alcoholic liver cirrhosis, and can enhance the effect of hepatitis B and C viruses in inducing primary liver cancer.

  Recommendation: The safest amount of alcohol consumption is 0, and no alcohol can be beneficial to health.

  3. Keep away from moldy food (aflatoxin)

  In 1993, the International Agency for Research on Cancer identified aflatoxin as a class I human carcinogen, which was an early cause of liver cancer established by scientists.

  Recommendation: Grain and oil storage should be dry and ventilated.

Pay attention to the cleaning and drying of bamboo and wood cutting boards, chopsticks and rice spoons, preferably every six months.

Chlorophyll can effectively reduce the toxicity of aflatoxin, and high-risk areas usually pay attention to supplementing green vegetables.

  2nd chance: the chance to get screened regularly

  Screening is the best way to prevent liver cancer.

"Primary Liver Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Standards 2019" recommends that people at high risk of liver cancer should be screened every six months.

  People at high risk of liver cancer:

  have hepatitis B virus and/or hepatitis C virus infection;

  excessive drinking;

  nonalcoholic steatohepatitis;

  Long-term consumption of food contaminated with aflatoxin;

  cirrhosis of the liver from various other causes;

  People with a family history of liver cancer;

  With the above risk factors, men older than 40 years are at greater risk.

  Professor Wen Tianfu, director of liver surgery at West China Hospital of Sichuan University, introduced that the detection methods are mainly serum alpha-fetoprotein and liver ultrasound. If conditions permit, you can do an enhanced CT to check liver function and blood cells.

It is advisable for the general population to also have a physical examination every year.

  3rd chance: early detection and early treatment

  If there is fatty liver, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and other basic liver diseases, it should be treated as soon as possible and actively reviewed.

Especially when these 7 kinds of situations appear in the body, you must not take it hard, and you must check in time, diagnose and treat early.

  7 situations to check early:

  feeling tired for no reason;

  inexplicable weight loss;

  Gastrointestinal symptoms, warm air, indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, abdominal distension, etc.;

  Fever, moderate to low fever, especially in summer, at 37.5-38.5°C, generally lasting 3-5 days;

  Bleeding tendency, in patients with early liver cancer, bleeding tendency such as gum bleeding and subcutaneous ecchymosis often occur;

  chest tightness and cough;

  Liver pain.

  Don't do 4 things to protect your "careful liver"

  Professor Wen Tianfu, Director of Liver Surgery, West China Hospital of Sichuan University, reminded everyone from his own experience that in order to protect the liver, the following 4 things should not be done.

  1. Not easy to stay up late

  Long-term fatigue, especially staying up late, is not conducive to the rest and self-repair of the liver.

  Professor Wen Tianfu only stayed up late for two things. First, he was going to have a liver transplant or the patient needed to go to the hospital for treatment;

In addition, I hardly stay up late, and try to go to bed before 11 o'clock every night.

  2. Don't drink

  Alcohol is a "catalyst" for the development of liver cancer in patients with chronic hepatitis B and C.

Professor Wen Tianfu could drink a little bit of alcohol when he was young, but he stopped drinking it later when he found it affected his sleep. If he had to drink it, he could only drink half a glass of beer.

  3. Don’t be in a bad mood

  Bad mood can cause great damage to the liver.

Of course, the mentality is difficult to achieve.

First, do the work well, and then do everything well without worrying and worrying too much, so it is easier to achieve a satisfied state of mind.

  4. Don’t take medicine indiscriminately

  The liver is the main organ for drug metabolism and is prone to drug damage.

Professor Wen Tianfu said that compound preparations and heat-clearing and detoxifying drugs should be used with caution. Many people are very sensitive to it, which is the manifestation of acute hepatitis. Some people even have liver replacement due to taking cold medicine. This is related to the biological reactivity of the liver. related.


  This cancer is silent

  Regular checkups are important

  Xu Yuhua, director of the Department of Gastroenterology of Wuxi People's Hospital, introduced that the liver is the largest digestive organ of the human body and the "detoxifier" of the human body. It is with its hard work that people can be healthy and eat whatever they want.

  The liver is also a "silent organ". Even if lesions occur, there is generally no pain in the early stage, unlike the gastrointestinal, heart and other organs that suffer severe pain once damaged.

Many people have developed liver cirrhosis or even liver cancer when they feel uncomfortable and go to the doctor, so the liver needs careful care.

  It is time to nourish the liver in spring.

Director Xu said: "Staying up late to work overtime, sedentary and less exercise, drinking, smoking and overeating, these unhealthy daily portrayals of modern people are eroding our liver health."

  The reporter learned that, in addition to viral liver diseases, among non-viral liver diseases, alcoholic liver and fatty liver are the most common problems in the general public, which are related to long-term heavy drinking (alcoholic).

  Quitting smoking and drinking, eating a balanced and nutritious diet, not staying up late at work and rest rules, and vaccinations can all be regarded as important ways to care for the "careful liver". In addition, regular physical examinations are indispensable.

  drinking blush man

  more prone to liver disease

  Nowadays, more and more people need to deal with alcohol frequently for various reasons, and more and more people believe that the amount of alcohol can be improved through acquired exercise, but it is not.

  First of all, drinking blush is caused by mutations in aldehyde dehydrogenase 2, which is genetically determined.

Secondly, the accumulation of acetaldehyde caused by gene mutation can promote the occurrence and development of liver and gastrointestinal diseases through the formation of adducts and inflammatory reactions.

  Alcoholic liver disease is a liver disease caused by long-term heavy drinking.

The production of acetaldehyde from alcohol metabolism can interfere with carbohydrates, lipids and some intermediate metabolic links, reducing gluconeogenesis and increasing the synthesis of cholesterol and triglycerides, resulting in hyperlipidemia, accumulation of fat in the liver, and the formation of alcoholic fatty liver. .

  Alcoholic liver disease often manifests as fatty liver in the initial stage, and later develops into alcoholic hepatitis, alcoholic liver fibrosis and liver cirrhosis. .

  Animal studies have also confirmed that acetaldehyde dehydrogenase 2 deficiency can promote liver inflammation and fibrosis in alcohol-fed mice. Therefore, for people who drink and flush easily, acetaldehyde cannot be degraded quickly, and there is a higher risk of alcoholic liver disease. Humans Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 mutation may be a risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma.

  Comprehensive reports from "Health Times" and Shanghai Medical Association Liver Disease Branch