If the teaching performance is not good, should teachers be on the "black list"?

  On March 11, at the Spring Semester Education Work Conference held in Shoushan Town, Daguan County, Zhaotong County, Yunnan Province, 8 teachers were given a "black list" warning because their teaching subjects ranked the bottom three in the county's final survey. arouse the attention of netizens.

Local government workers said the move was to motivate and alert teachers.

  Although the relevant local departments have not disclosed the information of these teachers, the existence of the "black list" warning at least shows the tendency to evaluate teachers-fenfenfen is not only the lifeblood of students, but also the lifeblood of teachers.

Evaluation is a ruler, but also a baton.

Education evaluation “what to evaluate” determines to a certain extent what teachers “teach” and what students “learn”.

How we evaluate teachers is not only the basis and basis for personnel management such as teacher selection, appointment, remuneration, rewards and punishments, but also whether education can truly nourish the spiritual world of students.

  Teachers who are on the "black list" may feel resentful, whether they are angry with students, or whether they overweight their homework, all of which may be detrimental to students.

Conversely, as long as the score meets the requirements, in the town's "red and black list" system, it is entirely possible to become the object of recognition.

Therefore, no matter whether it is "incentive" or "alert", the score-only teacher evaluation scale used by the "Red and Black List" is a bit outrageous.

  The Ministry of Education has made three orders and five applications, requiring the establishment of a correct view of political achievements and a scientific view of education quality, not to one-sidedly evaluate schools, principals and teachers based on test scores or enrollment rates, and resolutely overcome the tendency to only go to school and only score.

Unfortunately, some places at the grassroots level still go their own way.

The biggest resistance to "double subtraction" is actually the theory of fractions. Only by establishing a more diverse and more scientific teacher evaluation mechanism that can get rid of fractions can students' homework burden be truly reduced.

  Teachers' teaching grades are not just students' test scores.

German educator Destohui once said: "The essence of education is not to impart skills, but to awaken, motivate and inspire." The "red and black list" of teachers with only fractional theory obviously deviates from the essence of education.

Test scores are only one of the objective outcomes of education and should never be the only pursuit.

In addition to the grades, it is not important to make every student happy when they get the workbook, and they are full of interest in learning?

Make teaching more interesting, make students love it, and be able to apply knowledge. Shouldn't it be the evaluation standard for a good teacher?

  To effectively implement the "double reduction", the baton of teacher evaluation must be held firmly and used well.

It is not only necessary to use more rulers to measure students' talents and encourage students' diversified development, but also to establish and improve the evaluation system of school running quality and teachers' teaching quality. education level.

  Shu Shengxiang