It is Aftonbladet that published the article about the controversial mining company's lack of financing and connection to a letterbox company in the Virgin Islands.

And in one day, Beowulf's share fell by around 20 percent.

"Of course we lack funding"

But the mining company's chairman Sven-Otto Littorin believes that it is about incorrect information and pure obviousness.

- Of course, we obviously lack funding right now.

It is obvious that we can not sit on eight billion kronor and just wait, it is not possible.

We need to get the government's permission before we start picking up money, but since there is 400 million tonnes of iron underground in Kallak, it is our least problem, he says.

"Not a buck to tax havens"

According to Aftonbladet, Beowulf has transferred almost SEK 20 million to the subsidiary Vardar in Kosovo for exploration.

That company has connections to a mailbox company in the tax haven Virgin Islands.

- Not a single buck has gone to a tax haven, everything has been invested in Kosovo When we became the majority owner three weeks ago, we made the decision to close the company in the Virgin Islands, which has no business or capital, says Sven-Otto Littorin.

"Can not comment"

He's still hoping for a quick message about Kallak.

- The government has said that a decision will come soon and then we must believe in it.

If it takes another week, we can live with it.

We have still waited for five years, says Sven-Otto Littorin.

According to Kajsa Loord, Minister of Trade and Industry Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson's (S) press secretary, the Kallak case is still being prepared.

"It is an administrative matter that is handled by the government and the Minister of Trade and Industry can not comment on the matter before a decision has been made," writes Kajsa Loord.