He has done so for a long time, but this time his claims and language are rougher than before.

They (West) will now invest in a so-called fifth column, traitors, the president says during the broadcast.

He then hands out rallies to people who earn their money in Russia, but live abroad and can not "be without their goose liver and their oysters, or freer gender roles".

- The West is trying to divide our society, speculate about Russian losses in Ukraine and that the sanctions that will be imposed will have serious consequences.

And that the goal is to provoke a "civil confrontation" through fifth-columnists with the intention of destroying Russia, Putin says.

Paints in a corner

Whether Putin and his cronies actually believe what he says is unclear.

But it is obvious that he is now painting himself into an increasingly narrow rhetorical corner.

Russia's foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, is also taking part in the game, which is likely to have the consequence that Russia will have few friends and military allies.

That the invasion of Ukraine so far has not yielded the results the Kremlin dreamed of makes it all even more complicated.

Maybe that's why Putin is talking about fifth columnists.

That the propaganda image spread by the Kremlin is beginning to lose credibility, at least a little.

Then attacks will be the best defense, Putin seems to think.

- We can distinguish between real patriots on the one hand and scum and traitors on the other, who are just spitting out, like a little fly that has ended up in their mouths.

This will only strengthen our country and our ability to withstand all challenges, Putin concludes.

But what contact with the real reality that Putin has where he sits in his bunker and gets most of his information from yes-sayers and nod dolls who dare not say anything other than what Putin wants to hear, you can ask yourself.