Patients from all over the country are cared for here, as Tjernevsi has become a place where internally displaced people come. 

- Here, each room represents a part of the country - Kharkiv, Kherson, Mariupol, says SVT's foreign correspondent Elin Jönsson. 

But the staff at the hospital must be prepared to change.

When the aircraft alarm goes off, patients only have three minutes to get to the shelter - and not everyone can get there.

- We can not change anything, not stop operations, not evacuate.

We must work and hope for the best, says Vyacheslav Kamyantenko, who works at the hospital in Chernivtsi.

The Swedish doctor who worked with Angelholm

The Swedish support for the hospital - which has been going on for 25 years - will now be increased due to the war. 

The doctor Bengt Sturesson, who is in Sweden, has worked with Ukraine for more than 30 years and has trained his colleagues who now work at Angelholm in Tjernevsi.

He talks daily with his colleagues in Ukraine.

- They're not afraid.

I have many friends in Tjernevsio and have offered them accommodation with us in Sweden.

But they say that as long as it is relatively calm, they will stay and help with internally displaced people.

The city is still relatively spared compared to other parts of Ukraine.

There is a curfew at night, but during the day people can still work and participate in normal activities, according to what Bengt Sturesson hears from his friends on site.

But the unrest has increased, especially as the city and the area have become a place where many Ukrainians flee from other parts of the country.  

- I can only quote one of my friends who said that two weeks ago he lived with his wife and two daughters.

But now there are eight women living in the apartment.

Wants to assist military hospitals in Ukraine

Bengt Sturesson has been to Ukraine about 80 times since the 90s.

He is currently working on helping his colleagues with materials and other things to Ukraine from Sweden.

Every week, together with the association that has collaborated with Angelholm Hospital, he sends medicines and healthcare materials via their channels. 

- We have the unique connection.

The hospital director in Tjernevsihar has arranged a full passage to the military hospitals so that we can contribute with both technical equipment and materials.