An American researcher said that China announced, 4 days after the start of Russia's war on Ukraine, that it is ready to work with the United States in the framework of the partnership to "rebuild a better world" that US President Joe Biden spoke about.

John Marks, founder and president of Search for Common Ground, quoted the Chinese foreign minister as saying that his country is ready to enter with America in that partnership, stressing at the same time that China welcomes American participation in the Belt and Road program.

In his analysis in the American newspaper "The Hill", Marx considered that these two initiatives aim to strengthen the infrastructure in the world, and each country designed its initiative to gain international fame at the expense of the other.

Therefore, he sees the United States and China, if they join forces now, it would be a fundamental shift that could benefit the millions around the world who suffer because of poor infrastructure.

According to the author, the Russian war on Ukraine may have prompted China to take this conciliatory step, but perhaps this was just a deceptive ploy, and whatever the reason, the United States should initially say “yes” to the Chinese proposal and begin negotiations, as working together to improve the structure Global Infrastructure would represent a small, but essential step away from an increasingly adversarial relationship.

It is clear that this would be in the national interest of the United States, as he put it.

Especially now, the writer says, with Russia replacing China as Washington's major international enemy, it would be wise for Washington to act actively to counter the recently announced "borderless" Sino-Russian partnership.

From a strategic and practical point of view, the writer says, the United States will be subjected to severe pressure if it finds itself in a confrontation with both Russia and China at the same time, as former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and US President Richard Nixon explained 50 years ago, “pushing a wedge between these two The two countries can be good policy" for Washington.

But the writer also cautioned that at the same time, America should not ignore China's persecution of the Uyghur minority or the practice of some of its other unfortunate policies, however, these negative aspects should not be the only determinant of the relationship of the two countries.

The writer pointed out that the United States and China have common interests on issues other than infrastructure, and when they do so, there is no good reason to oppose each other.

For example, the writer says, they can work together to reduce the risks of climate change, as there is an urgent need for Sino-American cooperation on this issue regardless of deep differences on other matters, as the climate - as John Kerry says, President Biden's special envoy for climate - Not ideological.

And trying to reach mutually beneficial agreements will inevitably help drain the toxins from major conflicts, according to the writer, who believes that the basic idea is that instead of facing each other as enemies, the two countries will stand together and deal with common problems and cooperate to resolve contentious issues.