In December, Eksjö District Court sentenced a 24-year-old Dutch citizen to, among other things, murder to life imprisonment.

The Court of Appeal also sentenced him to murder, but sentenced him to 18 years in prison.

- The normal penalty for murder is now 16 years in prison.

The Court of Appeal agrees with the district court's assessment that in this case there are aggravating circumstances which mean that the sentence should be more severe than that.

If you compare with other cases that the Supreme Court has tried, the Court of Appeal considers that the sentence should be 18 years in prison, says the chairman of the Court of Appeal Martin Andersson in a press release.

After first requesting that he be acquitted of the murder, the man changed his attitude and wanted to be convicted of murder instead of murder.

That he did not consider that he would be convicted of murder was mainly due to the fact that he claimed that he had acted in an emergency situation.

But the Court of Appeal also states that it was murder.

Knife raised to death

It was in April this year that a 56-year-old man was found dead in his home in Eksjö municipality.

The now convicted man could be arrested after a car chase.

He traveled in the victim's car and drove straight into a roundabout and crashed.

The man was arrested and stolen goods from the 56-year-old's home were also found in the car.

The 24-year-old man is also convicted of aggravated theft and gross negligence in traffic.

The damages to the relatives remain and the man is also expelled from the country indefinitely.