Anyone who thinks that ice fishing as a calm and pleasant moment in the sun must think again when they see the participants in the Nordic Championships.

It was run across Stömnesjön, and new holes were drilled every two minutes in search of the fish.

Only the veteran class and those with a medical certificate may use a machine drill.

For others, the hand drill applies to the 60 cm thick ice.

- The perch is such a fish that does not come to you in the first place, but you have to look it up.

So I think the first part of the competition will probably most people try to find the fish on this lake, says Martin Södergårds, competition organizer and chairman of Hudiksvall's sport fishing club.

Swedish big win

The participants came from Sweden, Finland and Norway, where each country lined up with three participants in each class.

In total, it competed in eight different individual classes, eight team classes and one national class.

For the Swedish part, there were a lot of victories in both the individual and team classes, and perhaps above all the prestigious national class.

The most important of all participants was Anders "Laxen" Axelsson from Orsa in Dalarna, who managed to pull up a total of 4.8 kg of perch in four hours.

In the clip above, you can see when the Nordic angling elite went out on Stömnesjön in Delsbo.