Laura Laplaud 11:10 a.m., March 13, 2022

As the first round of the presidential election approaches and faced with rising fuel prices, Republican candidate Valérie Pécresse, guest of the "Grand Rendez-vous" of Europe 1/CNews/Les Échos on Sunday, held to reconsider its proposals in terms of purchasing power to improve the daily lives of the French.

Among the promises made by presidential candidate LR in terms of purchasing power, "a retirement at least equal to the minimum wage" for all French people "who have worked all their lives" but also overtime "totally tax-free".

"I propose that all those who have worked all their life can have a pension at least equal to the Smic and that widows who do not have a full career can have a survivor's pension at 75%", declared Valérie Pécresse, guest of the

Grand Rendez-vous

d'Europe 1/CNews/Les Echos on Sunday. 

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