There are foods that are dangerous to health, including foods that may be easy to prepare or popular.

They represent a danger to be ignored, and one better to abandon them.

In this topic, we learn about the 5 most dangerous foods in the world.

German Focus magazine reported on its website - according to Deutsche Welle - that a third of cancer cases are due to improper diet, and that fried foods in particular pose health risks.

These foods are dangerous to the health of the body:


The famous "hot dog" meal contains nitrate, which is added to give it color and preserve the meat for a long time. It forms nitrosamine with the protein (amines) in the meat.

Studies have indicated that nitrosamines can cause cancer, especially gastrointestinal cancer.

French fries and chips

Through frying, acrylamide is created, which may cause cancer, according to animal experiments.

When acrylamide doses are high, it can also cause nerve damage.

This substance is found in foods rich in carbohydrates that are heated to high temperatures.


Delicious buns in the shape of dough rings happen to him like they do with potatoes as they often contain acrylamide and trans fats.

In addition, donuts contain large amounts of sugar and fat.

Roast beef

The burnt fat can make grilled meat a serious health hazard.

When the fat from the meat falls on the fire, benzopyrene is formed, which in turn returns to contaminate the meat through smoke.

These may cause cancer.

To avoid this, the meat should be wrapped in aluminum foil so that the smoke does not reach the meat, or choose low-fat meat.

moldy food

Regardless of the type of food on which mold is present, mold has been shown to cause cancer.

Not only that, but the toxins in the mold damage the nervous system.

So the best thing is to throw moldy food in the trash, and stop trying to cut only the moldy part because mold bacteria quickly leave their traces in the rest of the food, Focus magazine reported.