Just over a week ago, Daria Synelnikova realized that she had to get out of Kyiv, out of Ukraine.

Her friends in other European countries had been nagging for a long time.

And it was finally her friends in Germany who helped her out.

- They arranged transportation from Kyiv to Romania, and from Romania further here.

I know that I am so privileged to have received help with this, it is far from all Ukrainians who have that opportunity, says Daria.

Near give up at the border

She is sitting in bed in the bedroom in German Leipzig where she will stay for a while.

Her friends will soon need her help in getting more Ukrainian refugees across the border, but first she must rest.

- I have not slept in several days.

The first night here I got a fever, my body is completely exhausted.

The border crossing to Romania was the worst during the trip, says Daria.

It was cold and snow-mixed rain and the queue for the border control was long.

- We waited for over six hours.

I did not feel my hands or my legs because I was so cold.

Towards the end, I thought "it would have been better to stay in Kyiv, I can not do this", she says.

"Just cried and cried"

When she crossed the border and met those who would drive her on, she broke down.

- I just cried and cried.

It was all the stress and tension in the body that just let go.

Follow Daria's journey from the decision to leave Kyiv to security in Germany.