Grain is the foundation of the society, and seed industry is the foundation of grain.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized when visiting the members of the agricultural, social welfare and social security circles who participated in the CPPCC meeting, "The security of seed sources is related to national security, and we must be determined to develop my country's seed industry, realize the self-reliance and self-improvement of seed industry science and technology, and seed resources. Independent and controllable." Chinese rice bowls contain Chinese food, and only by firmly grasping the seeds in their own hands can they ensure that the rice bowls are firmly held in their own hands.

  Solving the problem of eating well has always been the top priority of our party's governance of the country.

After hard work, my country has raised nearly one-fifth of the world's population with 9% of the world's arable land and 6% of the world's freshwater resources, effectively answering the question of "who will feed China".

However, it should also be noted that the pattern of tight grain balance in my country is difficult to change in the short term, and the demand for grain is still showing a rigid growth trend. On the basis of limited arable land, optimizing seeds is the only way.

Seeds are the foundation of food, and improved seeds play a key role in increasing food production.

On the basis of emphasizing food security, the CPC Central Committee has raised the security of seed sources to a strategic height related to national security. It is precisely to overcome problems, make up for shortcomings, strengthen advantages, and control risks from the source, so as to ensure that more than 1.4 billion Chinese people arrive every day. Start your meal and eat better and better.

  If the seed is excellent, the grain will be abundant; if the grain is safe, the people will be safe.

Since the founding of New China, the development of my country's seed industry has achieved a historic leap from scratch, from small to large, and from weak to strong, ensuring national food security from the source.

In recent years, my country's modern seed industry "chips" have made continuous innovations and breakthroughs. The main crop varieties have basically achieved full coverage, and the area of ​​self-selected varieties accounts for more than 95%, realizing "China's grains mainly use Chinese seeds".

Despite this, the foundation for the development of my country's seed industry is still not solid.

For example, soybeans are imported in large quantities, the level of corn breeding needs to be improved, the research on functional rice has just started, and some vegetable varieties rely on foreign seeds, which are in danger of being controlled by humans.

Nowadays, it is more urgent than ever to ensure the independent control of seed sources, and the string of food security is more tense than ever. This is by no means an alarmist.

  Whoever owns the breakthrough and innovative varieties has the initiative to compete in the seed industry.

From a global perspective, the characteristics of highly integrated technology, highly intensive resources, highly concentrated capital, and highly concentrated talents are becoming more and more obvious in the seed industry, and the international seed industry has set off a new wave of reorganization.

In order to make a good turnaround in the seed industry in my country, independent innovation is the key.

On the one hand, it is necessary to find out the "family background" of my country's germplasm resources, and be aware of it.

On the other hand, protection and utilization must "walk on two legs".

Cultivating excellent varieties with independent intellectual property rights should become the top priority of agricultural scientific and technological innovation.

  A strong institutional advantage is a strong guarantee for the development of science and technology.

The seed industry involves variety breeding, seed reproduction, promotion and sales, etc. It is far from enough to rely on several research groups and research institutions. Build a major innovation platform, strengthen basic and cutting-edge research, and carry out "stuck neck" technology research.

On the other hand, in view of the deep-seated obstacles such as the "two skins" of scientific research and production and the low conversion rate of scientific research achievements, it is necessary to deepen the reform of the agricultural science and technology system.

Whether it is to strengthen the main position of enterprises in innovation, guide technology, talents, capital and other elements to gather in key advantageous enterprises, or to improve the variety approval and intellectual property protection system, protect innovation enthusiasm, take innovation chain construction as the starting point, open up all links, my country's species industry can achieve high-quality development.

  A seed can make an industry, a seed can enrich a party's soil and water, and a seed can change a world.

Nowadays, from the rooting and germination of space seeds to the industrialization of sea rice, there are frequent reports of good news in China's seed industry; from the issuance of the "14th Five-Year Plan for Modern Seed Industry Improvement Project Construction Plan", to the official implementation of the new seed law, which has brought more information to the development of the seed industry. many favorable conditions.

With the support of agricultural science and technology, and concentrating on writing a great article on the seed industry, we will definitely be able to install the "Chinese core" for the seed industry and make the "Chinese granary" more solid.

(Zheng Yin)