It was in March 2020 that the roof and walls of Tarfalahallen in Kiruna collapsed, and P4 Norrbotten is the first to report that the matter is now going to court.

- We are suing the company because we will not go any further in the process.

We have tried to agree but there has been no interest in a dialogue with our counterpart and we can not drag out on this anymore, says Stefan Sydberg (M), who is, among other things, chairman of the municipal council in Kiruna.

"We have had a lot of costs"

How did you come up with a claim of one hundred million kronor?

- We estimate that it costs eighty million kronor to build a new hall.

Since then, we have had a lot of other costs in connection with the Tarfalahallen collapsing.

In total, it is about one hundred million kronor.

"Wrong to demolish the whole hall"

The construction company SA Englund is now preparing for the district court negotiations.

- We believe that it is an unreasonable amount Kiruna municipality demands but I do not want to comment before the legal process.

But our opinion is that it was wrong to demolish the entire Tarfalahallen because parts of the hall were completely intact and could have been built together with a new part.

In addition, the snow on the roof may have been a strong contributing factor to the landslide, says Olov Englund, the construction company's CEO.

- We rely on the Accident Investigation Board, which said that the amount of snow was no more than the roof could handle and it would not have been safe to build the hall with the old part.