China Weather Network News Recently, most of the country's temperature has turned on "random mode". It is still cold when going out in the morning, and it is full of spring at noon.

At this time, it is the season of "disorderly dressing". On the street, cotton coats and short sleeves are in the same frame, and long pants and shorts are flying together.

Waking up every day is not what to eat, but what to wear when going out.

China Weather Network provides a nationwide early warning map of random dressing, to see where the temperature is the most capricious, and a practical dressing guide, so that you don't have to worry about dressing in capricious weather.

The temperature difference between day and night in many places in the north exceeds 15 °C

  In the next three days (March 9 to 11), most of the country will continue to set off a wave of warming, the daytime temperature will climb like a wild horse, and the temperature in the north and south will reach a new high on a large scale.

Among the big cities, Shenyang, Xi'an, Zhengzhou, Hohhot, Yinchuan, Jinan, Wuhan, Nanjing, Changsha, Chengdu, and Kunming will hit record high temperatures in the next three days. Among them, Hohhot has a maximum temperature of 18℃ today, which will break the historical record for the same period. .

  In this wave of warming, the temperature in most parts of the country is significantly higher than the same period of the previous year, and many places will feel the warmth of early May in advance.

In the next three days, the temperature difference between day and night will be very obvious in most parts of the country. The maximum temperature during the day will rise rapidly, but the minimum temperature will rise slowly at night. The maximum temperature difference between day and night in some northern areas will even reach 20℃.

The temperature passed rapidly, and on the street, the chaotic situation of "qiuku and shorts flying together" was staged again.

  In central and northern Shanxi, central and northern Shaanxi, most of Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Gansu, Tibet, and southern Xinjiang, the temperature rose rapidly during the day, and the temperature difference between day and night exceeded 15 °C.

In a big city, the highest temperature in Yinchuan will reach 21℃ in the day after tomorrow, and the temperature difference between day and night will be 17℃. One day seems to pass through the two seasons of winter and spring.

  The highest temperature in Beijing, Tianjin, Henan, Shandong, Anhui, Jiangsu, Hunan and other places will reach above 20℃, and the temperature difference between day and night will be 10~15℃.

The weather is hot and cold. It is recommended that you bring a jacket when you go out, and wear a shirt, T-shirt, etc. inside, so that you can increase or decrease it in time.

  The highest temperatures in northern Xinjiang, eastern Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, and northern Jilin are still in single digits, and winter clothing is required throughout the day.

In southern Guangxi, southern Guangdong, southern Fujian, Hainan, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, it is already full of spring.

The temperature is capricious, you can't be capricious, you need to cover it sooner or later

  The "disorderly dressing in February and August" mostly occurs in February and August of the lunar calendar, corresponding to March and September of the solar calendar in most years.

Why are the temperatures so capricious in March?

According to Zhang Juan, an analyst at China Weather Network, usually in March, the warm air mass starts to counterattack, the cold air force weakens, the highest temperature rises quickly during the day, the minimum temperature rises slowly at night, the temperature difference between day and night is very large, and occasionally the cold air will resist stubbornly. The temperature fluctuates greatly, so you can wear anything this season.

  At present, the seasons are changing, and the temperature fluctuates obviously. Although it feels warm like spring during the day, it still feels a little cold in the morning and evening. It is recommended that you use the onion-style multi-layer dressing method, which is convenient to change clothes at any time according to the temperature and environment.

  A warm reminder from, it is recommended that everyone pay attention to the upcoming weather forecast. Dressing depends not only on the highest temperature, but also the lowest temperature. When the temperature difference between day and night is greater than 10°C, you need to cover up with clothes in the morning and evening. Weak people should pay special attention to keeping warm when going out in the morning and evening, and beware of catching a cold.

(Planning / Du Bingbing Data Support / Zhang Juan Design / Ren Chengying)