What is a cough (cough)?

And what are its causes?

What is the treatment for dry cough?

What about coughing with phlegm?

What is the treatment of cough in children?

And when can honey be used to treat a cough?

The answers and more are in this comprehensive report.

First, we emphasize that all the information we provide here is general information and for guidance only, do not treat yourself or your child based on it, you should consult a doctor first and foremost.


A cough is a reflex reaction that occurs automatically in the body to keep the airways clean.

A person may cough for other reasons, such as asthma or a respiratory infection, or because of difficulties swallowing, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

Coughing is an important reflex that can help remove harmful irritants that could make you sick or make it difficult to breathe.

When you're sick, coughing can also force mucus and other secretions out of your body to help you clear your airway, breathe easier, and heal faster.

dry cough

Dry cough - also known as dry cough - is a cough that does not produce phlegm.

Since there is no mucus blocking the lungs or airways, nothing comes out when you cough.

This lack of mucus (phlegm) makes the cough what is called an "unproductive cough."

Some causes of dry cough

  • COVID-19

  • Allergies, asthma or exposure to chemicals and irritants.

  • bronchitis

  • Croup (in children).

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (Gastroesophageal reflux disease).

  • Side effects of medications, such as those that treat high blood pressure.

  • Pneumonia.

  • smoking.

  • Vocal cord dysfunction.

  • Whooping cough

Chronic dry cough may be a symptom of:

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

  • Cystic fibrosis.

  • heart failure;

  • Lung Cancer.

  • Pulmonary embolism.

  • Sleep Apnea.

  • tuberculosis.

Dry cough treatment

Most cases of dry cough go away when the underlying cause is treated.

Over-the-counter cough medicines aren't usually helpful.

Children younger than 4 years old should not take any cough medicine because of the risk of serious side effects, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

These home remedies can help:

  • Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated: Try hot tea or water with honey and lemon to soothe an irritated airway.

  • Suck on "cough drops" or hard candy: sucking on the hard emulsion helps produce saliva that soothes the throat.

    But don't give cough drops or hard candy to children under 4 years old, as they may suffocate.

  • Take a spoonful of honey: Studies show that honey stops coughing as well (or better than) most over-the-counter cough medicines.

    Your health care provider can recommend the right amount of honey, based on the age of the sick person.

    Never give honey to a child younger than one year old.

    Honey may cause food poisoning in children.

  • Use a humidifier: A cool mist humidifier pumps moisture into the air.

    This extra moisture soothes nasal passages and sore throats and relieves a dry cough.

    You can also get more moisture by taking a steamy shower or hot bath.

Causes of cough in children

Coughing is usually a sign that your child's body is trying to get rid of an irritant, according to a report in WebMD.

Common causes of cough in children include:

1- infection

Colds, flu, and croup can all lead to a long-term cough in children.

The common cold tends to cause a mild to moderate cough, while the flu causes a severe, sometimes dry cough.

This viral infection is not treated with antibiotics but can be managed with other medications.

2- Stomach acid reflux

Symptoms of stomach acid reflux in children may include frequent coughing, vomiting or spitting up, a bad taste in the mouth, and a burning feeling in the chest, known as "heartburn."

Treatment for reflux depends on the child's age, health, and whether he or she has other problems.

Try these tips: eliminate trigger foods from their diet (often chocolate, mint, fried, spicy and fatty foods, caffeine and soft drinks), eat at least two hours before bed, and eat smaller meals.

3- Asthma

Asthma treatment depends on its cause and may include avoiding triggers such as pollution, smoke or perfume.

4- Whooping cough (pertussis)

It is characterized by a successive cough, followed by an inhale that has a "whooping" sound.

Other symptoms may include a runny nose, sneezing, and a low temperature.

Whooping cough is contagious, but it is easy to prevent with a vaccine, and whooping cough is treated with antibiotics.

5- Inhaling a foreign object such as food or a small toy

Call 911 immediately if your child:

  • Unconscious or not breathing

  • gasping for breath

  • choking

  • Has trouble breathing or is breathing very quickly when not coughing

  • Has severe coughing fits or a persistent cough

  • He can't cry or speak because of difficulty breathing

  • He has blue lips and nails

  • There may be a small object stuck in their throat

  • He breathes very fast

  • He looks so sick

Call your doctor if your child:

  • Younger than a year old and still having trouble breathing after cleaning his nose

  • Younger than 4 months old with an anal temperature higher than 100.4 F (38 C)

  • infected

  • beeps

  • Can't breathe deeply because of chest pain or coughing up blood

  • Has a temperature above 104 F (40 C)

  • Has a fever lasting more than 72 hours

  • vomit

  • Turns red or purple when coughing

  • Drooling or having trouble swallowing

  • Has a weak immune system or is not fully immunized

Cough treatment for children

1- Preventing dehydration

  • Giving babies plenty of breast milk or formula.

  • Give older children water or juice mixed with water.

2- Reducing the blockage in the nose

  • Use saline nose drops on a stuffy nose to thin the mucus.

  • Remove the mucus from the baby's nose using an aspirator.

  • Use a humidifier in your child's room or take your child to the bathroom with the steam on.

3- Facilitate breathing

  • Use a cool mist humidifier to add moisture to the air.

  • Sit in the bathroom with a hot shower and let your child breathe in the steam.

4- Make the child comfortable

  • Let the child rest.

  • Avoid irritating substances such as cigarette smoke.

Children and cough medicine

  • Medicines can't cure a cold or the flu, but honey, hard candy or cough lozenges can help relieve a sore throat caused by a cough.

    To avoid choking hazards, it should not be given to children under 4 years of age.

  • Do not give honey to children 1 year of age or younger to treat a cough.

  • Moist air can help children relieve a cough.

  • Do not give cough medicines to children under 4 years of age. In addition to being unapproved for very young children, there is no evidence that they help them with recovery.

  • Never give aspirin to children under 18 years of age.

Coughing with phlegm

A cough with phlegm - also known as a wet cough and a productive cough - is any cough that produces mucus (sputum).

You may feel like you have something stuck in your chest or the back of your throat, and sometimes a wet cough causes mucus to enter your mouth.

A wet cough indicates that your body is producing more mucus than usual, according to a report in Healthline.

Causes of cough with phlegm

There are multiple causes of cough with phlegm, such as:

  • An infection such as a cold or the flu.

  • bronchitis.

  • Pneumonia, an infection of your lungs caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi.

    It is a condition ranging in severity from mild to life-threatening.

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a group of conditions that damage your lungs and the tubes that carry air to your lungs.

    Smoking is the number one cause of COPD.

  • Cystic fibrosis, an inherited respiratory condition usually diagnosed in early childhood, causes thick, sticky mucus to be produced in the lungs and other organs.

Causes of cough with phlegm in an infant or young child

Coughing in children is caused by a viral infection most of the time.

The most common cause is asthma.

All other causes of wet cough in children, such as the following, are rare:

  • Whooping cough.

  • Inhaling a foreign body, cigarette smoke, or other environmental irritants.

  • Pneumonia.

Cough treatment with phlegm

Treatments for a wet cough depend on treating its cause.

For the majority of wet coughs caused by a virus such as a cold or the flu, treatment is unnecessary, and the viruses simply have to run their course.

The bacterial causes, require antibiotics.

If you or your child has trouble sleeping, you may need to use something to help reduce phlegm and cough.

Research has shown that half a teaspoon of honey before bed in children is a safe method to try.

Keep in mind that honey is not suitable for children under 12 months of age due to the risk of food poisoning.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children younger than 4 years old should not be given over-the-counter cough and cold medicines.

Other possible treatments for a cough with sputum may include the following:

  • Acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil) for body aches and chest discomfort from coughing

  • Over-the-counter cough medicines (for older children and adults)

  • Bronchodilators

  • Steroids for cough associated with asthma

  • Allergy drugs

  • Antibiotics for bacterial infections

  • Moist air by means of a humidifier or steam

Persistent cough treatment

The cause of the cough must be known and treated, and home remedies can be taken according to its type if it is a dry cough or with phlegm.

Cough treatment for infants

As mentioned above, the cause of the cough must be known and treated.

Babies are not allowed to eat honey, and children under 4 years old are not recommended to take cough medicine.

See a doctor.

Cough treatment for pregnant women

According to North York General Hospital, the following is recommended for pregnant women to deal with a cough:

  • To help get rid of secretions, drink plenty of water.

  • Most cough lozenges are safe during pregnancy, consult a doctor or pharmacist.

Consult a doctor if:

  • Your cough lasts more than 7 days.

  • If the cough with sputum and green secretions.

  • You have a fever (above 38°C in the mouth).

  • If you have difficulty breathing or wheezing.

Avoid products containing pseudoephedrine, and talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure about which products to get.

Herbal cough treatment

You must first find out the cause of the cough, and then consult a doctor, to see if some herbs may help you relieve the cough.

People who want to use natural remedies to treat their cough should look for sources and brands.

They should also be aware that some herbs and supplements can interfere with medications, which could lead to unwanted side effects, according to a report in medicalnewstoday.

If the cough is severe or persists for more than a few weeks, it is essential to seek medical advice.

Possible natural remedies for a cough include:

  • honey tea

  • ginger tea

  • drink fluids

  • Steam. A wet cough, which produces mucus or phlegm, may be improved by steam.

    Take a hot shower or bath and let the shower fill with steam.

    Stay in this steam for a few minutes until symptoms subside.

    Drink a glass of water afterward to cool off and prevent dehydration.

  • Gargling with salt water. This simple remedy is one of the most effective remedies for sore throats and wet coughs.

    Salt water reduces phlegm and mucus in the back of the throat, which reduces the need to cough.

    Stir ½ teaspoon of salt into a cup of warm water until it dissolves.

    Allow the solution to cool slightly before using it to gargle.

    Let the mixture stay in the back of the throat for a few moments before spitting it out.

    Gargle with salt water a few times each day until the cough improves.

    Avoid giving salt water to younger children;

    Because they may not be able to gargle properly, swallowing salt water can be dangerous.

  • thyme tea

Cough treatment with honey

According to one study, honey can relieve coughs more effectively than over-the-counter medications containing dextromethorphan (DM), a cough suppressant.

You can make your own remedy at home by mixing up to 2 teaspoons of honey with herbal tea or warm water and lemon.

Honey is soothing, while lemon juice helps relieve congestion.

You can also take two teaspoons of honey or with bread.

Cough treatment with thyme

Thyme is used by some for respiratory ailments.

The leaves contain compounds called “flavonoids” that relax the throat muscles responsible for coughing and reduce inflammation.

You can make thyme tea at home using two teaspoons of crushed thyme leaves and a cup of boiling water.

Cover the cup and let it steep for 10 minutes, then drain.

8 natural recipes to treat a sore throat and relieve a cough

في تقرير نشرته مجلة "سانتي بلوس" (santeplus) الفرنسية، تستعرض الكاتبة روز سانشيز بعض العلاجات الطبيعية التي تساعد على تخفيف السعال وتجنب تطوره إلى حالات مرضية مزمنة.


تعمل الخصائص الموجودة في العسل على تليين الحلق. وقد توصلت إحدى الدراسات إلى أن العسل يخفف من أعراض السعال الليلي، خاصة عند الأطفال، كما يساعد على التمتع بنوم عميق وهادئ.

للحصول على هذه الفوائد ومعالجة حالات الاحتقان، يُنصح بإضافة ملعقة صغيرة من العسل الصافي إلى كوب من ماء الليمون الدافئ. ومن أجل زيادة الفعالية، يمكن مزج ملعقة صغيرة من الليمون والعسل في كوب وشربه فاترا، حيث يعمل الليمون مضادا للبكتيريا.


يعرف البروميلين الموجود في الأناناس -وهو عبارة عن مزيج من الأنزيمات البروتينية- بخصائصه العلاجية الرائعة، وقد أثبتت إحدى الدراسات قدرة البروميلين على معالجة الذبحة الصدرية والتهابات الشعب الهوائية.

ويُنصح بإضافة رشة ملح ورشة فلفل إلى كوب من عصير الأناناس، وتناول ربع كوب منه 3 مرات في اليوم.


يحظى النعناع بشعبية كبيرة كعلاج طبيعي للعديد من المشاكل الصحية، وبينت إحدى الدراسات أن شاي النعناع له تأثير رائع في تحسين التنفس وتخفيف آلام الحلق.

يُنصح بوضع 3 أو 4 قطرات من زيت النعناع في 170 مليلترا من الماء الساخن، ثم وضع منشفة على الرأس واستنشاق البخار المنبعث من هذا الخليط للتخلص من السعال.


حلوى الخطمي -أو المارشميلو- منتج مصنوع من نبتة معروفة بـ"آلثيا أوفيسيناليس"، تُستخدم جذورها منذ القدم في علاج التهابات الحلق وتخفيف السعال.

لتناولها كشاي عشبي، يُنصح بنقع 10 غرامات من أوراق النبتة أو الجذر أو الزهور في لتر من الماء.


أجريت العديد من الدراسات لتحديد فعالية نبتة الزعتر في تخفيف السعال، وقد خلصت إلى أن له فوائد كبيرة في علاج أمراض الجهاز التنفسي. في الواقع، تحتوي أوراق الزعتر على مركبات الفلافونويد التي تساعد على إرخاء عضلات الحلق وتخفيف حدة الالتهابات.

لتحضير شاي الزعتر، يُنصح بوضع ملعقتين صغيرتين من أوراقه المطحونة في كوب من الماء المغلي وتركه لمدة 10 دقائق ثم تناول المشروب.


يُستخدم الزنجبيل منذ قرون في علاج أمراض الجهاز التنفسي، وقد أظهرت دراسة علمية قدرته على منع تقلص مجرى الهواء، كما أن جذوره تحتوي على مركبات يمكنها الحد من التفاعلات المسببة للحساسية.

من أجل الاستفادة من خصائصه، يُنصح بوضع جذر الزنجبيل المبشور في كوب من الماء الساخن، وإضافة ملعقة صغيرة من العسل، ثم تناول المزيج.


يعتبر الثوم من أفضل مضادات الجراثيم، وقد أظهرت إحدى الدراسات أن مادة الأليسين التي يحتوي عليها تساعد في علاج التهابات نزلات البرد وأعراضها.

To benefit from the properties of garlic in relieving cough, it is recommended to boil 3 cloves of it in a glass of milk, and drink the drink before bedtime.

Gargling with salt and water

This remedy may seem very simple, but it is very useful for relieving a sore throat and treating a cough.

It is recommended to mix half a teaspoon of salt with 240 milliliters of lukewarm water and gargle with this solution, but this home remedy should not be applied to children under 6 years old.

In conclusion, if these natural remedies do not help you get rid of a cough, it is advised to consult a specialist to get the appropriate treatment.