Solène Delinger 10:51 a.m., March 06, 2022

Gérald Darmanin was the guest of the Grand Rendez-vous this Sunday morning on Europe 1, CNews and Les Echos.

At the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk, the Minister of the Interior returned at length to France's strategy in the face of the Russian invasion in Ukraine.

As Vladimir Putin keeps up the pressure on the ground, thousands of civilians have been forced to flee their country.

The interior minister says France "will do its part", as was the case during the migration crisis in 2015.


The war in Ukraine spares no one.

On the front line are civilians, thousands of whom have already fled to border countries like Poland.

Since the start of the crisis, 2,500 Ukrainians have arrived on French national territory.

They could be many more in the coming weeks.

How does France intend to organize itself to welcome them?

Gérald Darmanin affirms it this morning in Le Grand Rendez-vous: France will take its part. 

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