It was found that the National Election Commission repeatedly showed confidence in the legislative process of the National Assembly to guarantee the suffrage of those who have been confirmed and quarantined with COVID-19.

However, it was confirmed that the installation of a separate ballot box for confirmed and quarantined persons during the controversial advance voting was not even mentioned by the National Assembly Administrative Safety Committee and the Political Reform Special Committee subcommittee.

In the end, it is pointed out that the Election Commission's easy attitude made the situation worse.

According to the minutes of the National Assembly, Rep. Lee Myung-soo, the People's Power, said, "I talked about guaranteeing the suffrage of corona infected people, but there must be a master plan-style comprehensive measure from voting to counting."

Then he asked, "You have to prepare for the worst. Don't go and do it later."

Kim Se-hwan, secretary-general of the National Election Commission, was confident that "it is ready."

At the same meeting, Secretary-General Kim also said, "Even with the current method, voting management is sufficient."

He also said, "We have always taken the initiative to improve the system, and in that regard, our institution is passive in protecting the suffrage rights of confirmed patients, and there is no reason to do so."

When Rep. Seo Young-gyo of the Democratic Party, who is chair of the Public Administration and Security Committee, responded to the 'unusual expression' and said, "There is no reason to do so..."

He added, “We are preparing there (preparation) in great detail.”

Rep. Kim Young-bae of the Democratic Party of Korea warned, "It's not okay to say 'Most of the time things go well' in an election," said Kim Young-bae, a member of the special committee on political affairs on the 9th of last month.

When Park Chan-jin, Deputy Secretary-General of the National Election Commission, replied, "Yes, it is," Rep. Kim repeatedly asked, "Even if you have one vote, you have to do it yourself, but because of the system, you shouldn't be able to do it."

Deputy Secretary-General Park said, "It can be done in about 3 minutes (per person), so it can be done in 3-5 minutes. If you install a dog, about 60 people can be accommodated,” he predicted.

Yesterday (5th), each polling place had a delay in voting for confirmed and quarantined people, and it was a prediction that was contrary to the long-term waiting and dissatisfaction.

Deputy Secretary-General Park complained during the meeting, saying, "We also agree that we should guarantee the convenience and voting for the 100th voter, but there are many more difficulties in the field."

They also blamed the National Assembly for not promptly improving the system.

He criticized, "It is the National Assembly who amends the law and we are the ones who express their opinions," he said.

Representative Jo Hae-jin of the People's Power, who is the chairperson of the subcommittee, said, "My position is that the review should be re-examined unless the public applauds after the election is over, everyone 'made it well' and the quarantined people clapped 'Oh, you did a good job'." I did.

The part where Rep. Cho said to Deputy Secretary-General Park, "You are tilting your head. You seem to have lost your faith..." was also left intact in the minutes of the meeting.

(Photo = Yonhap News)