Solène Leroux with Jean-Pierre Elkabbach 10:15 a.m., March 05, 2022

For François Bayrou, Russian President Vladimir Putin "will himself be the victim of his own drift", after the start of the war in Ukraine which he launched ten days ago.

The president of the MoDem was the guest of the weekend political interview held by Jean-Pierre Elkabbach on Saturday on Europe 1.

The war in Ukraine did not stop overnight.

The port of Mariupol and other cities have been blocked since last night: no water, no electricity, no food.

While the beginning of a humanitarian corridor opens this morning, François Bayrou, president of the MoDem, answered questions from Jean-Pierre Elkabbach in the political interview of the weekend.

"Where does Putin's madness end?" Asked the High Commissioner for Planning.

"He is the prey of a personal imbalance", he assured, recalling that "it is the first time in three quarters of a century that a State, moreover European, attacks an independent country which does not did nothing".

>> Find the political interview every Saturday and Sunday morning at 8:02 a.m. on Europe 1 as well as in replay and podcast here

According to François Bayrou, there is no justification for the Russian invasion.

"Not a border incident, not a gunshot, not the slightest hitch, nor questioned", he listed on Europe 1. "It has never happened in our history. Putin is pursuing a fantasy of nationalist fundamentalism. He wants to reconstitute the old Russia by sacrificing the freedom, independence and democracy of Ukraine", he asserted.

Putin, victim of his own drift

While the threat of atomic blackmail hangs over Europe and part of the Western world, are the Western nuclear powers preparing?

Admitting that he did not know, the president of the MoDem assured that the Russian fire in the night from Thursday to Friday towards the nuclear power plant of Zaporijjia, the largest in Europe, is "a game to terrorize nations, peoples" .

And according to him, "it's a game that can't work".


 War in Ukraine: what to remember from the tenth day of the Russian offensive

In his view, "Putin is not only sacrificing the Ukrainian people, nor Ukrainian democracy, nor democracy in Europe, but he is sacrificing his own people".

And to affirm that "at the end of the road, there is suffering for the Russian people" because "there are deep attacks on its economy, its exports, its budgetary and monetary balance".

For François Bayrou, "Putin's victim, initially, after the Ukrainians, is the Russian people".

The president of the Modem has even gone further: "Secondly, I believe that he himself will be the victim of his own drift."