Ahn Cheol-soo, chairman of the People's Party, wrote a 'handwritten letter' to supporters who were disappointed with the unification decision today (4th) and asked for apology and understanding.

Yesterday (3rd), it is understood that the party members and supporters who were disappointed by the sudden unification decision went out of their way to appease the supporters amid the aftermath, such as requests to withdraw from the party and return donations.

CEO Ahn, who has been absent without an outside schedule after voluntarily resigned, posted a photo of a letter he wrote in 2 A4 pages on his Facebook this morning, saying, "I sincerely apologize to the precious people who would have wanted me to finish, and to those who supported and loved me. I give you my heart,” he said.

CEO Ahn said, "I want to tell you my honest feelings because I am well aware that the result of this unification of candidates has caused great disappointment and disappointment to many people."

He continued, "Many people have aspirations for regime change. At the same time, there are many supporters who want me to go my own way." I wrote down.

He explained the reason for choosing the unification of the voluntary resignation method, saying, "I want to state this clearly. In a state where there is no unification, I thought that we should prevent the situation where the regime change that you and I have advocated together cannot be prevented." .

Representative Ahn said, "I started politics to embrace the socially weak and to change the world. It was politics that I started to change the world, but I was still annoyed and painful because the size of the people's suffering did not decrease. originated," he said.

He also emphasized, "Just because I didn't finish the race like this doesn't mean I'm giving up on my path."

He apologized, "You are the people who cared for the country and supported me to make the world a better place. That's why my apologies and apologies are even greater." After apologizing, "I promise you clearly. We will continue to walk together on the path we walked together without losing our original intention.”